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Ready To Go Home

Gonna have to trade my ground pounding steel toes for something a little easier to dance in. :lookup:

The box has been dropped off at the post office. It has been insured for $200.00 also. The numbers are as follows:

DC#: 03010120000506183817

Insurance #: VA139362533US

It is enroute to Sam The Man!!!!!!


PS: Thanks again for lettin' me play! :D
Takes: [Two pretty nice cigars, snip]
Puts: [18 damned-fine cigars, including 2 ISOMs, snip]
Damn, Skydive! How the hell is anyone supposed to follow an act like that?! Wow, Emo, total score, there! Nice job, Mr. Nekkid (check my e-mail addy, btw ;) ) -- my pass is at the last guy, but maybe it's not too late to add you on to the end, if you're going to pull stuff like that! :p

Just teasing -- nice job. Someday, I hope to have the stock to be able to pull off a move like that :)
Ahhh, his nick is sleepy...gonna have to store that away for future reference! :sign: Have fun with it Sam...PM me if you have any questions.

Emo's "Going Home Pass," arrived today just before noon and it has already been dropped off at the Post Office...just before 4:00 p.m., on its way to Peter in Coral Gables, Florida.

I mailed the pass by USPS Priority Mail.

(1) I increased the insurance on the box from $200 to $300.
Insurance #VV 443 516 588 US.

(2) I refilled all of the humidifiers and made sure that one was in each of the three "Tupperdores."

(3) I updated the floppy to add everyone's puts and takes who had overlooked it.

(4) I printed a new (updated) Put/Take hard copy list for the box.

This pass has a great selection of cigars and I had a lot of fun making my choices. I'd forgotten how much fun cigar passing is. I've got to do this more often. Emo, you're gonna have a lot of fun sampling all of these goodies!

The Partagas Lusitania, #56, that Leebo put in for "EMO ONLY!" is the absolute best looking cigar that I have ever seen. If that cigar smokes as good as it looks - then it should be the "smoke of a lifetime!" Leebo, got anymore of those? At the very least PLEASE tell me where you bought them...gotta get some of those beauties. Messenger me the info and I would greatly appreciate it. :o)


#20 A. Fuente Gran Reserva
#31 Opus X Fuente Fuente
#34 Partagas LE Serie D #3 ISOM
#42 Sancho Panza Non Plus ISOM
#45 Astral TVS Pyramide
#53 Padron 5000
#76 CAO L' Anniversaire Maduro Tubo
#77 CAO L' Anniversaire Cameroon Tubo
#78 CAO L' Anniversaire X-treme Churchill
#79 PAM
#80 Diplomatico #2 ISOM


#82 Romeo y Julietta, Celestiales Finos, ISOM, 04/97 *
#83 La Luna Maduro Fuerte
#84 Olivia Family "O," Torpedo
#85 Carlos Torano Exodus 1959, Torpedo (yum)
#86 Saint Luis Rey, Regios (Robusto) ISOM 08/97 (My last one....sniff!) *
#87 Bolivar Belicosos Finos, ISOM (FOR EMO ONLY!!) *
#88 Ashton VSG, Corona Gorda
#89 CAO Brazilia Pyramid (Honduras)
#90 Partagas Culebra, ISOM (3 cigar braid) ***
#91 Sancho Panza Dulcinea, Torpedo, Rated 90+ (Honduras)
#92 Comacho Robusto, (full bodied)
#93 Saint Luis Rey, Petite Corona, ISOM, 1998 *
#94 Maria Mancini Magic Mountain, Torpedo (Honduras)
#95 H. Upmann Vintage 1995, Suprema #2
#96 Fonseca, Corona Gorda, Made for Germany/Ziggaren mit Zeder
#97 Rafael Gonzales, ISOM *
#98 The Cigar, Perdomo
#99 Ramone Allones Small Club Corona, (RASCC) ISOM *

Emo, thank you for letting me participate - I enjoyed it!

Now excuse me, I'm headed for the deck to light up a cigar.... LOL!

Sam J.
All I can say is...............DAMN!!! Nice job there Sam!

Sam the Lusi came from Pete's pass, I wish I could pull the trigger on a box of those, just not right now! :D
I think the words I am looking for are woo hoo. Speaking of lighting up...You are right about 1 thing, there is a great variety of gars in there. I am drooling about all these different cigars I haven't tried yet. The biggest dillema is this, which one to sample OTT. I am going to narrow it down to maybe half a dozen. If any of you guys could help me narrow it down and why you feel that, let me know. Even those not in the pass gimme your 2 cents. The contestants so far are these ones: SLR PC, Oliva "O" Ovation or Torp, CAO Brazilia Pyramid, Fonseca Corona Gorda. Now Pepe is the anchor man, and he might choose on on the list(go for it Pepe!), or one might get dropped in order to put one of his puts on the list. So you guys post an lemme know your thoughts...


A list of the contents will be forthcoming.
Ok, I think this is correct to the best of my cutting and pasting abilities. If someone finds an error...lemme know. Once again thanks to everyone who jumped in on this. I have had a blast!


#7 Hdm Palmas Extra (uglystick) ISOM
#13 CAO Anni Torpedo
#15 Sancho Panza Corona
#17 ERDM Corona
#21 AF Hemi SS
#22 CAO Mad
#24 Punch after Dinner
#25 Pugue Wavell
#26 Connie #733
#27 Cohiba Esplendidio Dominican Yellow band
#28 Indian Tabac Limited Res. Bison
#30 La Perla Habana Classic Toro
#32 Punch Churchill (isom 2/99)
#33 Partagas Cullebra (isom - 3 stick braid)
#36 R&J Medallas de ORO
#38 Hoyo de Nicaragua Churchill (yellow cello)
#39 JR's Special Corona 94
#40 Carlos Torano Reserva Selection Tubo
#41 ERdM Choix Supreme (cabinet) - Emo only, keepa you hands offa
#43 H. Upmann No. 100
#44 Ashton Cabinet No. 6
#46- La Aurora Pref. #2 Maduro
#47- Idian Tabac Dom. Cam. belicoso
#49 La Luna LHB Robusto
#50 Aristoff
#51 Leon Jiminez Robusto
#52 La Unica #3 Belicoso
#54 Short Story
#55 Short Story
#56 Partagas Lusitania isom (Emo only)
#57 Partagas Signature 150 Series "A"
#58 SLR PC 11/98 isom
#59 Diplomaticos #4 '98 isom
#60 Oliva 'O' Ovation
#61 Connie #9 EMS
#62 ERDM
#63 HdM Excalibur Maduro
#64- Indian Tabac (dark wrapper/corona size)
#65- Indian Tabac (Box Pressed/Super Fuerte Maduro)
#66- Partagas 1845 (short story size and shape)
#67- Cusano Corojo (robusto size)
#68- Onyx (churchill size)
#69- Te-Amo Figurado? (yellow cello)
#70- Partagas 1845 Black Label
#71- ERDM (Belicoso size)
#72- AF Flor Fina 8-5-8
#73- Jose' Marti Cuba Libre (churchill size)
#74- ERDM (churchill size) tissue wrapped
#75- Jose' Marti Cuba Libre (churchill size in glass tube)
#81- Diplomatico #2 (ISOM '98)*********EMO ONLY********
#82 Romeo y Julietta, Celestiales Finos, ISOM, 04/97 *
#83 La Luna Maduro Fuerte
#84 Olivia Family "O," Torpedo
#85 Carlos Torano Exodus 1959, Torpedo (yum)
#86 Saint Luis Rey, Regios (Robusto) ISOM 08/97 (My last one....sniff!) *
#87 Bolivar Belicosos Finos, ISOM (FOR EMO ONLY!!) *
#88 Ashton VSG, Corona Gorda
#89 CAO Brazilia Pyramid (Honduras)
#90 Partagas Culebra, ISOM (3 cigar braid) ***
#91 Sancho Panza Dulcinea, Torpedo, Rated 90+ (Honduras)
#92 Comacho Robusto, (full bodied)
#93 Saint Luis Rey, Petite Corona, ISOM, 1998 *
#94 Maria Mancini Magic Mountain, Torpedo (Honduras)
#95 H. Upmann Vintage 1995, Suprema #2
#96 Fonseca, Corona Gorda, Made for Germany/Ziggaren mit Zeder
#97 Rafael Gonzales, ISOM *
#98 The Cigar, Perdomo
#99 Ramone Allones Small Club Corona, (RASCC) ISOM *
Emo, just the other day I had a SLR PC from that same batch (11/98) and it was superb. To me, it's a no-brainer - take the SLR.
Emo, scratch #42 off the list. I missed putting that one on my takes list. I have edited my post to add it. I double checked the entire contents against my sheet, and your list is correct after the Sancho Panza is removed.

The SLR PC is very good, but I like the Regios a little better...they're a little larger.

The Carlos Torano 1959 Exodus is surprisingly good. Every one of those that I have smoked has been outstanding.

The CAO Brazilia and Olivia "O" both are medium to full bodied.

I like the VSG Corona Gordas when I'm craving a kick azz smoke.

There are unbelievably THREE A. Fuente Short Storys in the box!!! They usually don't make it home during a pass.

There are some very nice ISOMs in the box. That Partagas Lusitania looks like something one would smoke if they won the lottery!

The RyJ Celestiales Finos is great...oh heck, all of the ISOMs are pretty darn good.

You've good a tough, but wonderful job deciding which one to smoke first Emo.

BTW, thanks for the info Leebo. Lord, I wish I knew where that Lusitania came from. LOL! I've never seen a wrapper that gorgeous since I smoked a few Cohiba Esplendidos. It is a work of art! Emo, you lucky dog.

Gotcha Sam, edited my last post also. Thanks for the heads up. Didn't know there was 3 short story's in there. Thought there was only two. Either way, once I open the boxes, and catch a wiff of the wonderful aroma, I may get weak in the knees...Once again, thank you all for your generosity and wonderfull passing. It has really helped pass the time away from home.

Yes Sir, Emo, #21 is a Arturo Fuente Hemingway Short Story also.


PS: Even though it wasn't on your list...that RASCC is great as well. Too many choices. LOL!
Sam The Man said:
PS: Even though it wasn't on your list...that RASCC is great as well. Too many choices. LOL!
See my dilemma? Mmmm....can almost smell the aroma now. Yum-mmmmie!

Sam.....Once again you have proven yourself to be a top notch passer! :D Great puts! :)

Emo.....you are gonna have a tough time with this box when it arrives! LMAO!!!!

Take care.....

There was a floppy-disk in the box?!

Must've missed it due to the glare off of all those great cigars :)
The box arrived today in So FL. Cardboard box is a little crushed, but the tupperware protected the cigars perfectly. I am going to try to get a box to repack it in.

Sam, you are a tough act to follow. I would like to know the size of your humidor(s).

I am taking
60 Olivia O Ovation
83 La Luna fuerte corona
89 CAO Brazilia pyramid

I am putting in
100 CAO Anniversario Careroon Churchill
101 Torano Exodus 1959 Churchill
102 Moore & Bode Libertad
103 Hoyo de Monterrey Exec
104 Excalibur V
105 Olivia Grand Maduro torpedo

Emo, you have one hell of a cigar box heading your way! Enjoy.
Pepe :)
Wow, you guys are giving to a fault. Thanks for passing with me there Pepe. I hope you had fun doing your puts and takes. It's a good thing I am really busy at home and work, or the anticipation of the box would gimme a stroke.


:lookup: :thumbs: :lookup:
UPS tracking # 1Z 362 X17 03 3937 9792. Watch out for the brown truck coming your way.
Pepe :)