I registered at Cigartracker, but am not sure if it went through, Also sent snailer. LMK if all is well. Thanks
You're good to go grinnin. I just haven't clicked on the accept member button beside your name yet. Nothing personal. ;)
Here's the pass order:1) Bill Orlando (Shadow)
2) Ben Hicks (grinnin)
3) Rod Linsalato (Rod)
4) Tim Hampton
5) Dave Diebert (purosdave)
6) Don Schumacher (BurntFingers)
7) Gilbert Villanueva (GilV)
8) Darren Rozenek (DarrenR)
9) Joe Dakille (Vegas1)
10) Charles Belida
11) Clinton Davis (Texcigar)I'm planning to send the box out on Monday.
Most excellent can't wait...well actually I can but it sounds good.
Gil V.
Wait your turn Darren. Droooooooooolllllllllllllllll! LOL
Pass showed up at the house this afternoon just as I was leaving for work. Will pop it open tonight and it will go out tomorrow morning.
Paperwork and pass are together now Keith. Box will go out tomorrow morning. Cigartracker has been updated. Confirm # 0300 1290 0002 5465 2623.Takes:
Savinelli ELR #4 MaduroPuts:
La Unica Cameroon Belicoso #3
Ashton Cabinet Series Belicoso
Excalibur Prensado OscuroKeith, thanks for letting me play. grinnin, heads up! :cool:
The box is here!!! There are some mighty fine smokes in there.Here are my takes:ashton VSG belicoso
Excalibur prensadoPuts:Bauza pyramid
La luna reserva robusto
CAO Anniversario Belicoso maduro Costa rican
Mayorga robusto nat
Aristoff Black Robusto CameroonThanks for including me in the pass Keith!!the box will go out to Rod tomorrow morning, conf # 0304 7990 0001 6167 6492
Glad you got the pass before you went out of town. Thanks for the puts. Geez at this rate the box is going to explode before the pass is halfway done! (That's very cool.) :cool:
Update:I misplaced the confirmation slip, so here's the new #0300 6000 0001 1486 2548I'm heading right over to the post office.Head's up Rod!