Just spoke to Charlie. He's not no power, but as far as he's concerned, the Quad State is STILL on, unless he hears otherwise from Frank.
Any truth that Newburgh is under a state of emergency? If that's true, and it's not lifted by tomorrow, then we ain't herfin'... :angry: God Damn snow.
Exactly! It's essential for my mental well-being. I've been looking forward to this herf for months. Mother Nature can kiss my guinea ass.Any truth that Newburgh is under a state of emergency? If that's true, and it's not lifted by tomorrow, then we ain't herfin'... :angry: God Damn snow.
EDIT:Just read the state of emergency was extended until 6 am tomorrow morning. Gonna remain optimistic...cautiously optimistic.
Yes they are....Basketball George told me that there's an order banning non-essential travel in Newburgh. I think the Quad State qualifies for very essential travel. As I said, it's still on. I'll keep you updated, if Charlie doesn't get his power back on.
Glad to see you made it safely Tom...your adventure sure makes for an interesting story to tell later on down the road!....against all odds, despite ice and snow and insane soccer mom's in SUV's with balony skin tires, I made it in last night about 0030. Ther drive from Philly took four and a half hours. My poor KIA "rent a racer" probably did things it never thought a little car could do....:laugh: Glad I did it as my "replacement" flight got canceled this AM so if I'd have waited.....I'd still be there.
Couldn't get on line for some reason but it's working great now.
LET'S F'N PARTY....!!!
SOOOO glad you made it up Tom!!! Show up here whenever you want, my friend. Skies are clear here...for now.
Any truth that Newburgh is under a state of emergency? If that's true, and it's not lifted by tomorrow, then we ain't herfin'...God Damn snow.![]()
Any truth that Newburgh is under a state of emergency? If that's true, and it's not lifted by tomorrow, then we ain't herfin'... :angry: God Damn snow.
Yes they are....Basketball George told me that there's an order banning non-essential travel in Newburgh. I think the Quad State qualifies for very essential travel. As I said, it's still on. I'll keep you updated, if Charlie doesn't get his power back on.
Glad to see you made it safely Tom...your adventure sure makes for an interesting story to tell later on down the road!....against all odds, despite ice and snow and insane soccer mom's in SUV's with balony skin tires, I made it in last night about 0030. Ther drive from Philly took four and a half hours. My poor KIA "rent a racer" probably did things it never thought a little car could do....:laugh: Glad I did it as my "replacement" flight got canceled this AM so if I'd have waited.....I'd still be there.
Couldn't get on line for some reason but it's working great now.
LET'S F'N PARTY....!!!
SOOOO glad you made it up Tom!!! Show up here whenever you want, my friend. Skies are clear here...for now.
Isy....happy to see you made it into work safely this time...how'd the haircut come out? :laugh:
Isy, how bad is it up by you?
IMO, tomorrow should be just fine. HERF ON!!!
Just landed in Newark. I'm headed to the rental car joint now and making my way up to Kingston.