I'll sleep when I'm dead
Hey, is there anyone driving up from NYC to the herf? PM me if you are and have room for it, thanks.
Good chance that I'll be going and should know for sure in a couple of weeks. If I do, I'll be driving from Weehawken or thereabouts and will have plenty of room. We can figure out a central location that I can pick everyone up from.Hey, is there anyone driving up from NYC to the herf? PM me if you are and have room for it, thanks.
Well 08 I had the chance to meet some of the west coast CP folks (and a few daring east coasters too) in Vegas, and had a blast .... so looks like 09 its time to meet the east coasters. If there is still room please add me to the list.
Joe G
Thank you, Charlie. Can't make it this year, but nothing will keep me away in '10.I was talkin' with Tom (BlindedByScience) yesterday and he informed me that he won't be able to make it to the Herf. He did state that there won't be anything that will stop him from attending Quad State Herf V in 2010. You'll be missed physically Tom, but we know that you'll be here in spirit.......:thumbs:
Sorry to hear that you will not be attending this year. You will be missed.
Looking forward to 2010.
Best Regards My Friend... Lou
Thank you, Charlie. Can't make it this year, but nothing will keep me away in '10.I was talkin' with Tom (BlindedByScience) yesterday and he informed me that he won't be able to make it to the Herf. He did state that there won't be anything that will stop him from attending Quad State Herf V in 2010. You'll be missed physically Tom, but we know that you'll be here in spirit.......:thumbs:
What a great time; sorry I won't be able to make it this year.
You guys have fun - B.B.S.
ohh we will show him a good Yankee of a time... BTW he's a Red Sox fan!:sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign:
I am all booked and ready to go. Charlie, I am just waiting for my crew to confirm this week I will mail the check to you early next week.
Bonus, I will be traveling with my dear twin cities crew simmsboard :thumbs: Please make sure that we show him a nice welcome. BTW he's a Red Sox fan!:sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: