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Quad State Herf IV - Feb 7, 2009

Hey, is there anyone driving up from NYC to the herf? PM me if you are and have room for it, thanks.
Hey, is there anyone driving up from NYC to the herf? PM me if you are and have room for it, thanks.
Good chance that I'll be going and should know for sure in a couple of weeks. If I do, I'll be driving from Weehawken or thereabouts and will have plenty of room. We can figure out a central location that I can pick everyone up from.
Well 08 I had the chance to meet some of the west coast CP folks (and a few daring east coasters too) in Vegas, and had a blast .... so looks like 09 its time to meet the east coasters. If there is still room please add me to the list.

Joe G
Well 08 I had the chance to meet some of the west coast CP folks (and a few daring east coasters too) in Vegas, and had a blast .... so looks like 09 its time to meet the east coasters. If there is still room please add me to the list.

Joe G

Sounds great Joe, I'll be adding you to the list asap....... :) :thumbs: :cool:
For those of you that have not sent in your checks / money orders, I just received an email from April Moncrief (Director of the SFAC). She asked me to let everyone know that hasn't sent in a check as of yet to make them out to: Army Soldier & Family Readiness Donations SM NAFI.

That is a direct account set up with them so the internal folks won't have to transfer funds within. There is no problem if you have already sent in a check or there is one in the mail. they can still take care of them. This will make it easier for them and cut out a step in accounting. Thanks a lot and I hope there's no confusion...... :D :thumbs: :cool:

Here's a little information as to what the benifit actually is and does:

Donations to Soldier and Family Assistance Centers

The mission of Soldier and Family Assistance Centers (SFAC) is to support Warrior in Transition Units (WTU) by providing services and information to Wounded Warriors and their Families. Donations for the SFAC can now be accepted into a Supplemental Mission (SM) Fund. The Army Soldier and Family Readiness Donations Supplemental Mission Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality (NAFI) was established at Headquarters, Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation Command (HQ, FMWRC) for this purpose. The Army Soldier and Family Readiness Donations SM NAFI serves as a depository for monetary (checks and money orders) gifts/donations. These funds are used to provide quality of life services, items and supplies in support of the Warriors in Transition and their Families, and for which appropriated funds are not authorized. Some examples of what donations may purchase include: snacks and refreshments in the SFAC; lodging expenses for Family members not authorized Invitational Travel Orders; and special events to foster Soldier and Family cohesion and morale.

Edited to add some information about the SFAC
Hello everyone, I wanted to updated you guys as to where we are at. Currently, we have 140 guests signed up and I'm going to close the sign up list off. With the regulars from the Thursday evening crew, a few special guests and a the folks from West Point, we will be at 150 guests with no problem at all. The Sponsor List is updated and is coming along very nicely and checks continue to come in as we speak. :thumbs:

We are planning on having a visit of the new Orange County Choppers Headquarters earlier in the day for those of you that would like to attend. Chris (Diesel Grinch) has made an initial contact with them but if there are any of you that are friends of the family, please let us know so we can have a better visit. Here is the link that is going on about it at Cigar Snobs, chime in there or continue the conversation here about it. If you would like, contact Chris and discuss it with him via PM.



Lastly, Larry (Atlasm) is trying to lock in a ride from NYC to the event and if there is anyone of you that can take care of that for me, that would be highly appreciated. I hope all of you have a great weekend and I'll talk with you soon......... :) :thumbs: :cool:

I was talkin' with Tom (BlindedByScience) yesterday and he informed me that he won't be able to make it to the Herf. He did state that there won't be anything that will stop him from attending Quad State Herf V in 2010. You'll be missed physically Tom, but we know that you'll be here in spirit....... :D :thumbs: :cool:
I was talkin' with Tom (BlindedByScience) yesterday and he informed me that he won't be able to make it to the Herf. He did state that there won't be anything that will stop him from attending Quad State Herf V in 2010. You'll be missed physically Tom, but we know that you'll be here in spirit....... :D :thumbs: :cool:
Thank you, Charlie. Can't make it this year, but nothing will keep me away in '10.

What a great time; sorry I won't be able to make it this year.

You guys have fun - B.B.S.
Larry (Atlasm) come out this Wednesday to the NYC monthly meet up and we'll be sure to get you a ride!

BBS, sorry you won't be able to make it, hope the water goes away from the NW very soon; you guys got nailed!
Charlie's been kind enough to allow me to take the spot of one of you who can't make it, and I'm grateful. I attended this event in '06 and just had such a great time!

I'll be traveling from central Mass, so if anyone along the way wants a ride or to carpool, I have room in a cigar-friendly vehicle. I don't know if I'll be taking the BMW or a the company car, the weather will have a lot to do with which I choose. ;) If anyone needs/wants to join me for the ride, let me know.

Ken M.
I was talkin' with Tom (BlindedByScience) yesterday and he informed me that he won't be able to make it to the Herf. He did state that there won't be anything that will stop him from attending Quad State Herf V in 2010. You'll be missed physically Tom, but we know that you'll be here in spirit....... :D :thumbs: :cool:
Thank you, Charlie. Can't make it this year, but nothing will keep me away in '10.

What a great time; sorry I won't be able to make it this year.

You guys have fun - B.B.S.

Sorry to hear this Tom. I'll burn one for you, hope to see you next year.
I am all booked and ready to go. Charlie, I am just waiting for my Jersey crew to confirm this week I will mail the check to you early next week.

Bonus, I will be traveling with my dear twin cities crew, simmsboard :thumbs: Please make sure that we show him a nice welcome. BTW he's a Red Sox fan! :D :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign:
I am all booked and ready to go. Charlie, I am just waiting for my crew to confirm this week I will mail the check to you early next week.

Bonus, I will be traveling with my dear twin cities crew simmsboard :thumbs: Please make sure that we show him a nice welcome. BTW he's a Red Sox fan! :D :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign:

Oh no foreigners :laugh:
Sorry guys, just found out that I won't be able to make it. I have to be in Miami for two weeks for some planning meetings and won't be able to leave until Feb 7th.