I got a kick out of the different way people pack/prepared for the event.
Someone in our cabin brought a portable ice maker ..... brilliant for mixed drinks.
@Tall Paul brought a big Blackstone grill and WAS THE MAN!
@ironpeddler Gary didn't bring shit and made me rent my chair back from him! Just kidding .... I love ya brother!
Some people brought nothing more than the dominoes table and the shelter for over the dominoes table.
John and I debated on who would bring the Nespresso, I didn't have room, so Saturday morning someone saw
@jfields walk out of our cabin with a mug of coffee and said "WTF dude! You have coffee?" John said "would you like me to make you an espresso?" People went nuts and John spent the next 30 minutes making espresso.
I met two really cool guys from "ASH-HOLES" cigar club who had a dining fly, chairs, plenty to drink, and nothing else ...... but we had a lot of fun together!
And then there was Kristopher with his Mercedes motor home!