Sorry... got wrapped up in 'honey do' stuff and forgot I was supposed to have the wifely unit© pick a winner. I'll extend this till Monday, which is the next time I'll see her and have her pick.
Remember... one pic post a day per person is the rule posted :whistling: I'll allow multiple shots of the same dog/same costume like Gary did as I don't think that would make a difference. But I'd hate to have to disqualify the winning pic for breaking the rules...
Ok... I just reread the rules. I did say one ENTRY per day, but did not mention one PIC post. To clarify, that means one pet pic/costume/entry per day, not just one posting (with multiple pics). Anything before this post will be allowed since it was not clear, but from this point on, one PET PIC per day. Not trying to change the rules, just clarify what my unclear rule. Thanks xxx for bringing it to my attention!