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Promotion Pass

You entered 0103 8555 7494 6075 7398

Your item was delivered at 11:33 am on April 01, 2005 in MARTINSBURG, WV 25401.
Package arrived safe and sound on Friday, have not had a chance to go through it. Will post puts/takes later. It will go out on Monday morning.
Here we go:


2 - RyJ #2
19 - Ashton VSG Corona Gorda


29 - Bolivar Corona Gigante(this is a correction due to there's already a BBF in the pass). Gotta wear my glasses when I go through a pass to do P/T, glad I doubled checked before I sealed the box. DOH!

Heads up Floyd, coming your way. Confirmation #0180 5213 9078 3451 4173.

Thanks Karl, and again congratulations on your promotion! :thumbs:
Nice plays.... this seems to be moving fairly quick, now.

Here is the updated pass contents, as I show them (by posted P/Ts):

1 RyJ Churchill – Tone-ny
2 RyJ No 2 - Shadow

3 RyJ Beli
4 Monte #1
5 Monte #2 - SCC
6 Monte #3
7 Punch Coronation - SCC
8 Punch Punch – Tone-ny

10 AF Short Story - SCC
11 AF Anejo 77* – Tone-ny
12 AF Anejo 55* - SleepyJim

13 AF Hemi
14 Gurkha - AVB
15 Padron 64
16 Padron 26
17 Ramon Allones 1837
18 Cohiba Red Dot
19 Ashton VSG Corona Gorda - Shadow
20 CAO Anaconda - AVB

21 H Upmann Mag 46
22 Bolivar Beli Finos
23 SLR Serie A
24 HDM Short Hoyo 2003
25 ERDM Choix 2004
26 Cohiba Sublime EL – 2004 - AVB
27 Partagas Lusitania 2002
28 Don Carlos Presidente
29 Bolivar Corona Gigante
Gentlemen...the pass has landed safely and it awaiting my plays. I will make 'em tomorrow and get this back on the road by late tomorrow. ;)

I'll post everything then. Everything looks good except the box. I believe I'll re-box before I ship it out. That way it'll be safe and sound for it's journey home in a couple of weeks. :)

Until then....

Floyd T. :sign:
Great to hear....

ALCON: I sent out the bands for the ISOMs that were taken, so Shadow, Tone-ny and Surfer can expect an envelope soon.

Ok guys, the box ison it's way to Brad. DC#03032460000014972016. Should get to ya by Tuesday.(Monday, hopefully)

My takes are :
#3: RyJ Beli
#27: Partagas Lusi

My puts are:
#30: Boli Corona Gigante '99
#31: Corojo bundled cigar for Treamayne ONLY!!! :whistling:

I know the Boli CG is a duplicate but they are smokin' great right now and I hoped y'all wouldn't mind! :rolleyes:

Congrats on the promotion and look for my PM! :thumbs:

Floyd T. :sign:
Thnaks man and good plays. I'll be looking for that baby when it returns.

I noticed you said your special ops brethern.Rangers?

Also #9 Says its a VRF whats that. Just wondering so i can get P and T in order soon.
I think it's a Vegas Robaina Famouso? (spelling probably wrong)

How much time do we have till it hits Michigan, I just put an order in for something special ;) , and am hoping I have a little time yet?

I noticed you said your special ops brethern.Rangers?

Well, I work with the Air Force Special Ops Command and Army 1/1 Special Forces
group directly on Okinawa. We work with Marine and Naval Spec Ops, but they are stationed elsewhere.

camaroon4me said:
How much time do we have till it hits Michigan, I just put an order in for something special ;) , and am hoping I have a little time yet?


Well, you have Inflatus then Meph before it comes to Detroit. At our current pace that should be 8-10 days or so.

Hopefully 8-10 days should be sufficient! :thumbs:

Hows the weather there Karl? Shorts season yet? It sure is here, couldn't get here soon enough.

I got the box tonight. It is in good shape.

I will put and take and then pass it along.
I always like it when someone takes my puts. :D

Ok guys, the box ison it's way to Brad. DC#03032460000014972016. Should get to ya by Tuesday.(Monday, hopefully)

My takes are :
#27: Partagas Lusi

Floyd T. :sign:
AVB said:
I always like it when someone takes my puts. :D

I feel the same way... I'm glad someone finally voiced it. :laugh:
AVB....I swear if you put a box of Lusi's into a package and ship it to me,....I'll take it!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!

Floyd T. :sign:
Of that I have no doubt. :)

AVB....I swear if you put a box of Lusi's into a package and ship it to me,....I'll take it!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!

Floyd T. :sign: