After torturing my victims long enough with what looks to be about 40,000 possible combinations. :blush: I decided to make it easier with digit clues. In retrospect, I should have done something like this from the beginning but, with harder clues.
AVB I'm doing yours first in this post since Jim is on a fishing trip. Find the following answers for your four digit code.
First Digit:
You can find two of this digit in the year after this Emperor divorced his wife.
When you say "this Emperor" you need to specify whom you are speaking of. I think you meant "an Emperor" which leaves me everything from The Caesars to the Romanovs to look at not to mention the far east. I'll work on this.
Second Digit:
Easy one.......Day of the month West Germany was admitted as a member of NATO.
Third digit:
In 1700's his head was removed and displayed on the front of a "Pearl" for all to see. Who was he and what day of the month was it. It is a two digit number and, you may only use one of them. :whistling:
Edward Teach was tracked down and killed by Lieutenant Robert Maynard on November 22, 1718 who decapitated him and hung his head on the bowsprit of his ship the HMS Pearl
Fourth Digit:
What day of the month did Europe see a certain mountain conquered for the first time, when a doctor and his porter made a 15,771 foot (4807m) ascent?
The White Lady was climbed August 8, 1786 by Jacques Balmat and the doctor Michel Paccard
Don't forget the # sign after the combination. :thumbs:
Edited to say: To all: Please no answer post. Let AVB figure this out, he's quite capable. :thumbs: