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Pricewise, what is your line in the sand?

To say you won't pay $300 for a box of cigars from one country, but you would spend that same money on a box of cigars from another country is a pretty narrow-minded point of view. And your broad brush price painting is conveniently ignoring all the taxes slapped on that box of Nic cigars before you purchase them as well.
To say you won't pay $300 for a box of cigars from one country, but you would spend that same money on a box of cigars from another country is a pretty narrow-minded point of view. And your broad brush price painting is conveniently ignoring all the taxes slapped on that box of Nic cigars before you purchase them as well.
Speaking of posers. Tom can you send Austin Mike that picture of you posing like Kim K with a champagne glass?
And CP loses another. See this here is a prime example of what not to do kids. People who can't act like civilized adults will moderate and delete themselves. Fact is CP doesn't need ya! You're not the first and likely not the last! Maybe you should have read around to know that price, selection, etc has been discussed previously. When you ask a question, you're gonna get a response. It will not always be what you want to hear, but you will get honest responses.


Let's not get nasty with things.

How about you and the rest of your poser buddies take this board, roll it up and shove it up your candy asses.

The really unfortunate part is that your attitude managed to obscure the fact that you've just blown off one of the best cigar forums on the net. Too bad you didn't stick around, learn from the members, engage in real conversation....you know, become a contributing member. No, it's petty insults and what seems to be nothing more than an attempt to troll the forums. Show up on any enthusiast forum, and proceed to tell them they are all stupid and waste their money on some facet of their hobby you deem overpriced. Be sure to let us all know how that worked out for you.

Or, just piss off and go away. That works too.
Holy shit, that was a quick one. Butthurt, LOL. The only one getting butthurt is Mr. Austin himself. How can you live in Austin, TX and not know about one of the best breweries in the country?

Grammar police, didn't go to grammar school. Pretty damn funny.
I think we approached this topic incorrectly from the start. It should have started out like the bidding at the beginning of Price Is Right....someone throws out their absolute top price per stick, and everyone with a lower amount chimes in until we get into JR Alt territory. Extra points for giving a gouger moniker to a brand.

My absolute highest amount, line in the sand would be $85 for a shop exclusive Padron't THINKSO! Anniversario.
How about you and the rest of your poser buddies take this board, roll it up and shove it up your candy asses. Mods, please delete my account.
Another quality member (tongue in cheek) gets overrun by the knowledge, wisdom and accountability of CP. (e-dick. Hah! Good one)
Y'all watch it with that Texan stuff. That guy definitely ain't one of us. :p

BAHA! That's definitely true!

I still want to know how he pays for his cigars... because it's so much harder to find those ISOMS, using the little white bar at the top of the browser and all. Maybe we had it wrong from the start and we should have taught him how to add a URL to his favorites? Could be why he spends so much time on those gun forums, because the word "Gun" is shorter and easier to remember than "Cigar".
BAHA! That's definitely true!

I still want to know how he pays for his cigars... because it's so much harder to find those ISOMS, using the little white bar at the top of the browser and all. Maybe we had it wrong from the start and we should have taught him how to add a URL to his favorites? Could be why he spends so much time on those gun forums, because the word "Gun" is shorter and easier to remember than "Cigar".

Hmm, both are borderline phallic. Maybe Freud was right....
I'm too battle hardened from years of CF Fridays to even tell when someone is actually getting their feelings hurt.
I think we approached this topic incorrectly from the start. It should have started out like the bidding at the beginning of Price Is Right....someone throws out their absolute top price per stick, and everyone with a lower amount chimes in until we get into JR Alt territory. Extra points for giving a gouger moniker to a brand.

My absolute highest amount, line in the sand would be $85 for a shop exclusive Padron't THINKSO! Anniversario.
I bid $1, Bob!