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Pre-bent Brake lines...

Tall Paul

"insecure little bitch"
May 11, 2011
Hey guys as most of you may know on the way to this year’s Quad State HERF I ran into a little car trouble with my breaking system and over the last couple weeks I learned a few things that I wanted to share with you guys in case you ever have similar issues and are in need of some break lines.

First things first if you have a Chevy Silverado built between 2003-2006 and live in an area that is known for corrosion due to salt use in the winter or are close to the ocean you WILL have issues with your break lines roughing out under the driver’s door. Apparently they didn’t consider the factor of the tires kicking up water and hitting these lines. May be they thought you would never drive your truck in the rain, snow, sleet, or any other weather besides sunny days. My truck is a 2004 Extended Cab. LT with the V8. Now my initial thought was to buy the tubing bend it myself and fix only the line that had a leak. I jacked the car pulled the tires and began to look at the lines. At this point I realized that I need to reline this whole damn truck because when you looked at the lines the leaked in other areas. I called the local Chevy Dealer and asked if the sell the pre-bent brake lines for my truck and was told that no one would sell the pre-bent lines that they bend them per job and they do 2-3 of these trucks a week! He told me some of them have been done 1-2 times already but keep rusting out. He then offered me a time slot and told me it would cost $1500-$2000 dollars for the truck to be relined depending on how many lines needed to be done. I laughed and said I would call him back!

This brings me to Google I searched high and low and found a great dealer that sells pre-bent stainless steel brake lines for most Chevy and Ford trucks at classictube.com. I call and spoke to one of their guys and for $299 I got every brake line in the entire truck pre-bent in stainless with the fittings already on and flared shipped to my door in 3 days. As you could imagine putting them in was a major pain in the ass but when all said in done I don’t need to worry about the lines rusting out again.

So I saved over $1500 in doing it this route and they are now all stainless. Also I figured out why I was unable to use my emergency break for the ride home from the QSH and I guess brake shoes need to be replaced from time to time…LOL My E brake has never worked since I got this truck and I guess I should have looked into it sooner seeing as it would have helped getting home a little less stressful!

Hope this helps anyone that has this Truck or is in need of some brake lines.
Hey bud. Nice find on the stainless steel lines. Im sure it wasn't easy...and Im sure you didn't post pics because you didn't want us knowing the wife changed them out. ;) Also, how did you ever get home from the QSH ? Simon wasn't door hitchin' with his heals dragging, was he ? All joking aside, nice work sir. I'm in the market for a new(used) Chevy Silverado 1500 series so this was a helpful thread. Thanks for sharing and good luck with the whip. . .

also, you saved a bunch of money with your time/research so now it won't hurt if you went ahead on a stogie shopping spree. Just sayin'. :D
Hey bud. Nice find on the stainless steel lines. Im sure it wasn't easy...and Im sure you didn't post pics because you didn't want us knowing the wife changed them out. ;) Also, how did you ever get home from the QSH ? Simon wasn't door hitchin' with his heals dragging, was he ? All joking aside, nice work sir. I'm in the market for a new(used) Chevy Silverado 1500 series so this was a helpful thread. Thanks for sharing and good luck with the whip. . .

also, you saved a bunch of money with your time/research so now it won't hurt if you went ahead on a stogie shopping spree. Just sayin'. :D

These are wise words
Hey bud. Nice find on the stainless steel lines. Im sure it wasn't easy...and Im sure you didn't post pics because you didn't want us knowing the wife changed them out. ;) Also, how did you ever get home from the QSH ? Simon wasn't door hitchin' with his heals dragging, was he ? All joking aside, nice work sir. I'm in the market for a new(used) Chevy Silverado 1500 series so this was a helpful thread. Thanks for sharing and good luck with the whip. . .

also, you saved a bunch of money with your time/research so now it won't hurt if you went ahead on a stogie shopping spree. Just sayin'. :D

These are wise words

I wish it worked that way boy and Austen I know you know what I mean!
Nice. Brake lines are a PIA to do, but at least you have them done. I have been considering replacing all the lines on my '99 Denali, as the brakes are really touchy from time to time.

As an additional measure of prevention, you could always wrap the lines in something like the small diameter foam rubber stuff. Not that you will ever have to do this again to your truck...
We had a 2006 Trailblazer and it had serious break issues in the first 4 years of owning it. It was expensive to get it all fixed and after a year the breaks started to act up again. We ended up getting rid of the thing and went to something more reliable.
DAMN IT.... PAUL, you are like Nostradomis with your predictions. I too have a 2004 Chevy Silverado, and YUP! You guessed it...lines went out on me tonight. F*cker is not even 10 yrs old yet ! :laugh:  
THANKS for all the leg work. I will be calling that dealer tom. morning.  ;)
Any tips are appreciated. Oh, and this goes to show you, just another benefit to this forum. Score another for CP.
Set-In-Stone said:
DAMN IT.... PAUL, you are like Nostradomis with your predictions. I too have a 2004 Chevy Silverado, and YUP! You guessed it...lines went out on me tonight. F*cker is not even 10 yrs old yet ! :laugh:  
THANKS for all the leg work. I will be calling that dealer tom. morning.  ;)
Any tips are appreciated. Oh, and this goes to show you, just another benefit to this forum. Score another for CP.
Austen I am glad this thread helped you out and I assume you have already received these lines and started to put them in. If I could give any advise I would say be patient and take your time do it right so you have no issues. The hardest one it the passenger front tire and then aligning everything back through the driver's side wheel well to the ABS box. Let me know how you make out.