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Posting in the correct forum......

Careful. :0

A poll in the pass forum is fine. You could ask a poll in a pass you are starting and say,

1. Pass the box East to West
2. Pass the box West to East
3. Send the box out at random
4. Send the box in order of peopl signing up
5. etc.

The poll wasn't the problem, it was the content of the question. That was a great question for the CIgar Discussion forum.

No one is mad at you Mike. We are just giving you a hard time. THat is how you know people like you. A post like that might make us wonder if you "like" us. :love:

Steven :D
In my defense, Mikedevilsfan, I'm an idiot. ??? I didn't mean to sound rude. (and, i thought my PM was helpful!) No harm done. An honest mistake. Nobody cares.
Don't sweat it Blai, I'm an idiot too :D

I'll see you on the box pass which should be starting tomorrow right? :thumbs:

see I couldn't even spell your name right- B L A I R
I did it!!!!! yeahh Yeahhh now you go....

Michael :0
Wait a second! I care!
Well, I mean nobody cares about that one post because it was a first time mistake. And we have you to clean up after us!

I'll see you on the box pass which should be starting tomorrow right?
I think (hope) so! :D