Post pictures of your stores...


Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
Down here in So Cal lots of stores are changing their hours (shorter days) as shelves are empty and they're having a hard time keeping them stocked. Costco is full of crazy people pushing and shoving -- quite sad to see how society reacts in aggression instead of trying to help one another.

Curious what the stores look like across the country. If you happen to go out, post a picture here.
Went to a Sprout's today. Was perfectly normal, and I didn't see any shelves empty... But I didn't look for TP.
Went to a Sprout's today. Was perfectly normal, and I didn't see any shelves empty... But I didn't look for TP.

Definitely seems different areas of the country are responding either more civil or less civil. That's good to hear your Sprouts has plenty of stock.
Most stores here in Mpls/St Paul are quite cleared out. Very little left except healthy stuff. Ha!

Canned goods cleared out, pasta cleared out, baking supplies (like flour) gone, frozen pizzas cleared out.

Lots of produce left, plenty of "low carb" breads & tortillas left!
No photos, but stores over here in NL (at least all that I've been to) are perfectly normal. One of the three local markets just opened up after being closed for two weeks for previously scheduled store maintenance and upgrades (unrelated to the virus issue) which put a bit of a stock strain on the other two, but it's business as usual here as far as shopping goes.
Stores in NJ have plenty of food, paper goods all gone. Went to the Shoprite in my town late on Saturday, didn't want to deal with the crazies! Lots of meats, bread, water, dairy and produce and no crowds.
Here it is hard to find any tp, hand sanitizers or liquid hand soap. Sorry I don’t have a pic. The rest of the stuff is getting restocked pretty quickly from what I have seen/heard recently.