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POS released to home custody

Our country is build around second chances in our justice system. He done his dues, thus he should be granted a second chance. I by no means agree with what he did. But if we are going to throw him under the rug then, our values and ideologies of our justice system is thrown out the window. Just a thought.

edit to add: Second chances do not always work out for the best, but everyone(as long as its not murder or rape) should have a chance IMO.


I agree with you David, he committed a crime, went before a judge and got his punishment. Per our legal system he did exactly what he was supposed to do given the circumstances so what else does he need to do?

On a side note, IMO, and no offense, but calling for a "bullet" or a "rope" for Vick brings you down to the same playing field as Vick. Classless and uncalled for.
Our country is build around second chances in our justice system. He done his dues, thus he should be granted a second chance. I by no means agree with what he did. But if we are going to throw him under the rug then, our values and ideologies of our justice system is thrown out the window. Just a thought.

edit to add: Second chances do not always work out for the best, but everyone(as long as its not murder or rape) should have a chance IMO.


I agree with you David, he committed a crime, went before a judge and got his punishment. Per our legal system he did exactly what he was supposed to do given the circumstances so what else does he need to do?

On a side note, IMO, and no offense, but calling for a "bullet" or a "rope" for Vick brings you down to the same playing field as Vick. Classless and uncalled for.

I don't want to turn this into an internet pissing match. You have your opinion and I have mine. But that was the first time I have ever been called "classless". You don't know me. Don't characterize me.
Our country is build around second chances in our justice system. He done his dues, thus he should be granted a second chance. I by no means agree with what he did. But if we are going to throw him under the rug then, our values and ideologies of our justice system is thrown out the window. Just a thought.

edit to add: Second chances do not always work out for the best, but everyone(as long as its not murder or rape) should have a chance IMO.


I agree with you David, he committed a crime, went before a judge and got his punishment. Per our legal system he did exactly what he was supposed to do given the circumstances so what else does he need to do?

On a side note, IMO, and no offense, but calling for a "bullet" or a "rope" for Vick brings you down to the same playing field as Vick. Classless and uncalled for.

I don't want to turn this into an internet pissing match.
You have your opinion and I have mine. But that was the first time I have ever been called "classless". You don't know me. Don't characterize me.

Neither do I, and please understand that I was not calling you classless, I was saying that the act of saying someone deserves a bullet was classless. We both have our opinions and I will leave it at that so it doesn't get out of hand.

PM incoming.
This is getting way out of hand, yes he is a shitbag and should be banned from the NFL. Any other comments about what "we" should or should not do is crossing the line, IMO.
He says he's a changed man....my ass..

If you are the type of shitbag that can kill an innocent dog with your bare hands you have a genetic defect. H'e no differant than a pedophile in my eyes...one bullet...story over.

Waste of a bullet if you ask me! Use a length of rope it's cheaper and reusable. ;)


Both of you need to think before you type.
He says he's a changed man....my ass..

If you are the type of shitbag that can kill an innocent dog with your bare hands you have a genetic defect. H'e no differant than a pedophile in my eyes...one bullet...story over.

Waste of a bullet if you ask me! Use a length of rope it's cheaper and reusable. ;)


Both of you need to think before you type.

Nah....it's more fun this way!

Rod get's all the emails reporting the thread...these guys get warned...do it again...get suspended...then Rod show's up and to say: "Your'e Fired!"

We can talk about Vick all day, what is worst is the culture that surrounds this abuse. In his eyes, he didn't think it was a big deal, he grew up around dog fighting and thought was normal....in his circle of friends and family this is is a way of life. They are completely desensitized to the killing and abuse.

To them, these dogs are no different than what a lawn mower is to you or me...if it doesn't start for us, we get pissed and kick it out of frustration because it can't perform the task we bought it for...cutting our grass. If it can't cut our grass and we can't fix it, we throw it away and buy another one. They do the same with these dogs. If they can't perform and win a fight....the task they were bought for....they are thrown away and replaced.

Here's the jaw dropper, these same folks that use, abuse, and kill these dogs...they have pet dogs of their own that they treat like we treat our pets! How they can differentiate between the two is beyond me....ignorant people to say the least.
I'll take the opposing view here, and not because I like Mike Vick.

But, if Leonard Little of the St. Louis Rams can kill a woman while drunk driving and still play in the NFL, well then there's room for a dirtbag like Michael Vick as well.

That's because precedent has already been set....with a man killing a woman while drunk driving, and going on to become a "leader" in the US Senate!

"Ted I'm pregnant"
"don't worry we will cross that bridge later"
From a bumper sticker I saw once.

As for Vick I think he should not be able to play.
If he has paid his debt then so be it. But definately no football or anything where he is portrayed as a roll model to our kids.

Maybe he should work at the Purina factory!
This topic (animal abuse ) makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up and I get pretty emotional about it.

I said what I said right or wrong in some opinions. but do apologize if it offended anyone...and will take my lumps if Rod dishes them out.

Other than this boarding on a "touchy" subject, where has any rule been broken? Surely to God we are mature and intelligent enough to accept that others will and do state differing opinions and use some exaggerated examples to illustrate a point.
Other than this boarding on a "touchy" subject, where has any rule been broken? Surely to God we are mature and intelligent enough to accept that others will and do state differing opinions and use some exaggerated examples to illustrate a point.

6.) Absolutely no discussion of ‘touchy’ subjects. This includes political and religious discussion. This is a cigar forum. We pride ourselves on running the friendliest cigar community online. Discussion of politics and religion does nothing but create tension between members.

7.) Do not post defamatory, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing or obscene messages in the forum.
I don't think any forum rules have been broken by the thread itself....I do feel a couple of the guys needed to choose their wording a little more carefully though. Hell, what subject is there that somebody won't end up getting their panties in a wad over?

edit for spelling
I don't think it is a given that a team will give him a chance.....there will be A LOT of backlash from animal rights activist groups calling for boycotts and the like. Many owners also own other businesses (i.e., his own Falcons owner owns Home Depot, iirc). Most owners will not risk it.
On a side note, IMO, and no offense, but calling for a "bullet" or a "rope" for Vick brings you down to the same playing field as Vick. Classless and uncalled for.

Your right. Let's put him in a ring with one of the animals he used to fight. That's justice. You can call me "classless" but what that guy did was inhumane... If you want my real thoughts, we should be able to fry his ass. Him, child molesters, murders, etc. It's the only thing I disagree with as a Democrat, and I will never change my mind.