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Yeah, I was reelin' em in until Sammy bets it all on a crap hand and gave Fast the big edge he needed to finally overtake me. :sign:

Don't I get points for leading or something, you know, like those Nascar boys get for most laps led??? :D
Leebo8-9-8 said:
Yeah, I was reelin' em in until Sammy bets it all on a crap hand and gave Fast the big edge he needed to finally overtake me. :sign:

Don't I get points for leading or something, you know, like those Nascar boys get for most laps led??? :D
Damn, that's frustrating :(

That's like sitting at a blackjack table and the guy before you hits a hard 16 when the dealer has a five showing, gets a face card and busts (which should have been yours) while you're sittin' there with an 11 ready to double down and of course the next card is an ace.

You sure ole Neal didn't do that on purpose :sign:
I had a 5 as a hole card with two fives showing in the flop. It was a good bet that Fast didn't have the other five but he had it and beat me with a full house. I'd make that bet every time. And by "Betting it all Leebo means I bet 300. Wankers. Fast had three grand and change and Leebo about a grand. Revisionist history.
Shut up CC. I didn't see your chicken butt in there. :D

Saturday nights around 10.
Texas holdem'.
All players start with $1000 (play money).
Winner take all.
Survivor recieves 3 sticks (no rockets) from each of the vanquished.
Register at pokerroom BEFORE Saturday.
Anyone welcome... well... almost anyone.

Do you have to d/l their software onto your computer in order to play? And is so, spyware invovled? ???
No. You can play from the website template that loads when you choose, "play poker". I downloaded the other version and didn't get any spyware but I can also NOT find the freaking room the guys set up when I use the DL version. The dl is much nicer though... wish I could use it.

SamClemmons said:
No. You can play from the website template that loads when you choose, "play poker". I downloaded the other version and didn't get any spyware but I can also NOT find the freaking room the guys set up when I use the DL version. The dl is much nicer though... wish I could use it.

Neal you can use the d/l version, just login with your new username and you should see the new guys. I was using the d/l version the other night :thumbs:
I will be around 9:45pm or so. No cigars though, I've gotta catch up!
Leebo8-9-8 said:
I will be around 9:45pm or so. No cigars though, I've gotta catch up!
No cigars!!!!! How are you going to play with no cigars???
pokerroom sucks. can't find the table. logged out/in like 10 times already.
Fast4Dr said:
other1 and I are at the table.......anyone else gonna join?
samclemmons is here as well.....we need at least one more to get started :thumbs:

3 stick ante....no dog rockets