Plume or mold on these cigars


New Member
Jan 22, 2013
On another site, this guy posted this picture of some Tatuajes he just purchased covered in what he said was plume. I don't have any personal experience with plume, or mold for that matter, but from what I've read it's more of a rare occurrence than not and I kind of found it hard to believe that these were sitting in his local B&M developing plume but...what do I know? Curious as to some of your opinions. The only other info was that he said it wiped off with ease and left no marks. 
Should have paid you to take the cigars. Mold!
"On another site" and "This guy"

How did this find its way here, couldn't that other site have spared him some knowledge?

One thing every new cigar smoker must realize is anything found growing on the wrapper of a cigar coming from a B&M will not be plume.
Yeah when I saw that post I said, "Are you SURE that isn't mold?" He replied, "Positive. Besides it wiped right off with no discoloring to the tobacco. " 
I'm glad these opinions are also that it's mold. At least it makes me feel better :) Sucks to be him!
Dear god in heaven, here we go again.
Mold.  100%, absolute, without a doubt, mold.  IMHO they are trash sticks at this stage.  Unless you like smoking moldy old gym socks.
Out of all the times this question has been brought up, I don't think I've ever seen it be plume.  
Put those splotches on the crust of your bread and what would you say it looks like?
Another vote for mold, plume will look like fine white hairs that encompass the entire cigar.
Gurrzt said:
Another vote for mold, plume will look like fine white hairs that encompass the entire cigar.
That is incorrect. Plume / bloom does NOT look like "fine white hairs".