Please welcome the newest member of the CP Family...

Damn, the flatlander had it in him after all. Congratulations to the both of you.

Atta boy Rod !! CONGRATULATIONS to you and the Mrs. in bringing into this world a beautiful, healthy girl.

Time to dig out that special cigar and fire it up.....when you get the time that is. :thumbs:
Welcome Chloe from the sunny beaches of the New Jersey Shore....Exit 82 to those in the know. When you finally learn to read, please speak to your Daddy and he'll teach you how to use the 'Search' function.

Well, it looks like we may finally get our first Mod here at CP!

Congrats to you & guys made a beautiful baby! God bless the 3 of you and may you all be blessed with many years of happiness and great health.
Congratulations on the arrival of Chloe!! Happy to hear the birth went well and all is quiet in the household, Rod.
She's so beautiful! :love:

Glad mom is well. Get ready for less cigar and sleep time. Such a trying period unless she's really good, but you wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Congrats Rod and Ashley!
Congratulations on the addition to the family Rod. Good to hear they are both doing well.