Never a dull moment over here at CP, that's for sure. Looks like CP is getting more and more CS and CA riff raff asking wonderful questions.
Yep! They gotta go somewhere... :laugh:
On a separate note - it's Friday and payday!!!! Yay!!!
I betcha if you go to CF and ask this question today, you'll get the answer you were looking for! While you're there - ask 'em for the GOOD stuff (i.e. Opus Maduro's) - they all have it and are looking to sell!!! :whistling:
Moki may have some Opus Maduros. Try to PM him. :thumbs:
I swear i saw a thread looking for opus maduros... that was funny.
In other news, Moki's collection is SWEEET!
Was it funny like the thread on CigarPass that consisted of a newly joined member with only one or two posts asking for illegal cigar sources? If so, then it would be hysterical.