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Pipes recommendation


New Member
Oct 20, 2008
I'm looking to buy two new pipes.
First of all what exactly is "Estate pipes"?
Are they new ?

What do you think about this two pipes?



I'm pretty new to smoking a pipe so
I have a question.
Now I'm smoking a design Berlin pipe(Briar).
The two pipes mentioned above are thy good quality?
In the description it mentioned :"Filter: None".
Is that mean that there is no option to put afilter
in the pipe?
In my own pipe I smoke with filter and when i tried once
without one it was horrible.
Welcome to the The Pipe Room.

The 2 pipes that you linked look great, I really like the second one a ton. Not sure if they are any good or not, never smoked a Peterson. some one will chime in that has I am sure. I do believe that if it says "Filter: None" then it means no filter. Try some new tobacco if you did not like the unfiltered taste, it might have been the blend.

Keep reading and smoking, it will become clear, well as clear as mud anyway.

Again welcome to the most laid back room on CP.

Estate pipes are used pipes (or previously owned, anyway).

No filter means there is no way to use a filter.

I like the 2 Peterson pipes I have, but some people dislike Peterson pipes a great deal. I think they may be hit or miss when it comes to quality control so you have a a chance of getting a bad one.
Check out the Savanelli line if you like filtered pipes. I don't like filtered pipes but I feel their balsa wood filters are superior to the paper ones. They also provide an adaptor in case you change your mind.

Don't think any of the Boswell take filters, but at the price you can't beat em.

The Peterson on the bottom is beautiful.

No filter means there is no way to use a filter.

Are you sure about that ?
I sent email to owner of this site and he wrote back:
"The description simple means that it does not have a filter system. Put you can as usual place a filter inside."

I have filters and I can just put them inside,right ?
I really liked that black Peterson

and want to be sure that I can use a filter with it.
No filter means there is no way to use a filter.

Are you sure about that ?
I sent email to owner of this site and he wrote back:
"The description simple means that it does not have a filter system. Put you can as usual place a filter inside."

I have filters and I can just put them inside,right ?
I really liked that black Peterson

and want to be sure that I can use a filter with it.

I've never seen or heard of a Peterson that takes a filter. The system pipes have a sump type system that helps with moisture and tongue bite, but no "filter".

Most European pipes that are designed for filters have a 6mm or even 9mm chamber for them contained in the shank. Some American pipes (cobs, Grabows, etc.) use smaller filters.

I don't know how you would put a filter into a pipe that isn't drilled for one, there's just not room as they are designed to be smoked without a filter.

I'm not sure what that person is talking about. Usually if a pipe has "a filter system" it is drilled to accept a filter. If it does not have said system, you can't use one. They usually run a pretty tight ship at that particular site, but this response concerns me. If you look at some of the other pipes on their site, you'll notice many of the Savinellis have (6mm) after the name and in their descriptions the same "6mm" is listed in the "Filter:" section.

If you're set on using a filter I would make 100% certain you could use the filter of your choice with the pipe you were looking for. If not, you may find yourself disappointed with a filterless pipe.
Two fine choices. I really like the second one though. Absolutely, be positive that you make sure you have a full understanding of what you are buying to avoid any disappointment towards the purchase. If you feel you have to keep asking questions to get answers that make sense...get a second opinion like posting on this site. There's always someone on here that can help I'm sure. The worst feeling for me is getting home and finding out what you have is nothing like what you wanted, i'd rather waste a day than make a impulse purchase.

Just to keep the Pipe recommendation topic going... Besides Boswell (who I plan on calling soon), is there strong recommendations or grips for one pipe maker over another.

Reason for asking is that I am looking to get a couple of estate pipes over the next couple of months and wondered if anyone had a recommendation of something that has stood out. I have been checking Frenchy's and waiting for an estate that stood out for me. I will admit I am suffering from either being too picky or indecisive, and that's a nasty combination.
