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So why are the pga players who are going to play at the LIV tournament getting suspended? That seems like quite a punishment for one match or tournament.
To the best of my knowledge, the PGA is a membership organization. With the membership comes certain preconditions. One condition is a non-compete clause(or something like it). They have to ask for permission to play in another unsanctioned event, and be given said permission, or face penalties. Currently, the penalty is loss of membership and a fine, maybe.

This is how I understand what I read in one article.

Floyd T
So why are the pga players who are going to play at the LIV tournament getting suspended? That seems like quite a punishment for one match or tournament.
I am not completely aware of exactly how this works but I know that PGA players are under contract to play for the PGA only. By signing on with LIV they violate that contract and are therefore suspended.
Here is another question, how do the players in the LIV get or keep a ranking?
How do you interest fans if there isn't tv coverage for the masses?
It gets reported via the “news”..the good ole fashioned way. Articles, correspondents, etc. Something exciting happens and then things change? I guess that’s just all speculation though, who knows?
So the bottom line it's about making money, regardless how good or bad you are. Last guy makes $120K, I quess that's the real allure.
I heard that Schwartzle won more for this tournament than Sheffler did for the masters. Can't imagine it will be long before it's on TV if it keeps heading the direction it is.
I’m sure their holding out on a broadcasting contract until they can secure more top level players. It’s not like they need the cash to get it started so might as well wait. Their getting more than enough publicity as it is.
I heard that Schwartzle won more for this tournament than Sheffler did for the masters. Can't imagine it will be long before it's on TV if it keeps heading the direction it is.
I wonder? What US company wants to buy advertising during these events? Or maybe the Saudis will just pay for the TV time without advertising?

But they have to be seeing this as either an investment or a "fuck you" moment for which they are willing to give a few measly billion?

Either way, I wonder what life will be like for the guys who signed up? Will their neighbors shun them? Will their homes be vandalized? Will their children be harassed in school? Will they be ostracized from their church?
I wonder? What US company wants to buy advertising during these events? Or maybe the Saudis will just pay for the TV time without advertising?

But they have to be seeing this as either an investment or a "fuck you" moment for which they are willing to give a few measly billion?

Either way, I wonder what life will be like for the guys who signed up? Will their neighbors shun them? Will their homes be vandalized? Will their children be harassed in school? Will they be ostracized from their church?
Other major sports like NBA and MLS don't seem to have any issues with sponsors and their players don't have to look around the corner with the exception of a fan wanting an autograph.
Other major sports like NBA and MLS don't seem to have any issues with sponsors and their players don't have to look around the corner with the exception of a fan wanting an autograph.
I was thinking about the backlash of advertising during a LIV event.

The negative connotation would be like advertising on a show paraising Hitler.
I think you overestimate the shits given by most people. China has a million locked up in labor camps and is actively pursuing genocide of a portion of their population and they hosted the Olympics.
I think you overestimate the shits given by most people. China has a million locked up in labor camps and is actively pursuing genocide of a portion of their population and they hosted the Olympics.

Not to mention all the NBA people going after that China money. Seems to be a double standard....which is standard.
I think you overestimate the shits given by most people. China has a million locked up in labor camps and is actively pursuing genocide of a portion of their population and they hosted the Olympics.
All true but in a different context.

China can't overshadow our love of the Olympics, and a few golfers can't overshadow our hate for the Saudis. And advertising companies know this.

Just my opinion.
For me the key takeaway is this “hate for the saudis”. I think if you polled most people you would be sorely disappointed in the numbers. Plenty of US businesses do business with them, and are well known, yet we still do business with them and don’t boycott them. Ever used a 3m product? At that’s just one.

At the end of day this is driven by the almighty dollar. Always has been, always will be. Eventually tv will see that they can monetize this and then they will.