PC in Cuba


New Member
Mar 8, 2004
Cuba launches no smoking rules for cigars and cigarettes

By ANDREA RODRIGUEZ | Associated Press Writer

Cuba, known for its world-famous cigars, will soon ask smokers of those fine stogies, and the island's unfiltered black tobacco cigarettes, to step outside.

Beginning on Feb. 7, smoking will be prohibited in theaters, stores, buses, taxis and other enclosed public areas under a new resolution published in Cuba's most recent National Gazette by the Commerce Ministry.

Smoking will also be banned in closed restaurants and cafeterias, except in specially designated nonsmoking areas. Cigarette machines will be taken down.

Yep. Soon they're going to have an EPA spending confiscatory money on "studies" about air quality in public places.

Besides who else but a Communist like Fidel would know more about Political Correctness. Everybody in Cuba has to be Politically Correct or receive "political re-education".

Edited in fear of grammer police (another thread)
texasaero said:
Besides who else but a Communist like Fidel would know more about Political Correctness. Everybody in Cuba has to be Politically Correct or receive "political re-education".


Fidel does not even smoke cigars anymore. I would have thought that maybe he could have shot down the ban.