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Payday has arrived...

Sweet Holy Mother of God!!!!

And I felt bad for spenging $500 in Virginia last month!!!
I spent 33 dollars on cigars today...
2 Fuente SS
2 MX2s
2 Fuente 858 maduros
I was happy until now... :D
Sweet Holy Mother of God!!!!

And I felt bad for spenging $500 in Virginia last month!!!

I was feeling guilty for spending around $300.00 the past two weeks...
Nice haul Mr. Peat!!! :thumbs:

Hey Loren,

I'll see you this weekend for a Chong-fest extraordinare!

Just kidding man! Congrats on the score. Where are you keeping all of that stuff?
Save any of that love for the Outlaw? :whistling:

We got some really sweet stuff last week!!!!

J/K man, where the hell did you find all those Opus?!!!? :0
Well deserved Richard! Hey you can't take it with you so you might as well smoke it! :D
Nicely done Loren. Now that locker in KC will actually be respectable! :D On second thought, you might have to start using another one; I don't think you have room for all of those. Let's have a contest to see how many of them make it to the locker! ;) :laugh: Nice score, enjoy those bad boys!!! :thumbs:

Nicely done Loren. Now that locker in KC will actually be respectable! :D On second thought, you might have to start using another one; I don't think you have room for all of those. Let's have a contest to see how many of them make it to the locker! ;) :laugh: Nice score, enjoy those bad boys!!! :thumbs:


I knew this was a dilema and had already discussed getting a 2nd one when I got the first one. Gonna finalize the 2nd locker today after they open.

Wouldnt you like to know Dirick of my source. :whistling: KC is about to die on the laptop computer so I better put this to a close. I will be at OL soon enough. As for how many made it, more than one would expect. I did had a handful out just because I have enough to laster me for 2 or 3 days tops. :D

I will be back on the boards and look forward to a part 2, 3, and 4 of my order that I spent yesterday.
I will be back on the boards and look forward to a part 2, 3, and 4 of my order that I spent yesterday.

:0 :0 :0 :0 :0 There's more?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? :0 :0 :0 :0 :0

Mods, please sticky this thread so that anyone who feels guilty/buyers remorse can have some therapy/justification! :p
There's a 12 step program in your future young man! :D Seriously, nice catch my friend!

(aside: anyone want to do a "group intervention"? 1 of us will have to talk to Mr Peat, with 11 of us having to secure the goods! what say ye all??) :)

Wow Peat, I don't think i've spent $3300 on cigars in TOTAL that I've been smoking, let alone 1 day! I'm in awe. :love: Congrats on the haul!
Thanks for all the congrats. Its been a real treat for me to be able to actually do something like this on a scale thats just unbelievable. I talked to the owner and he basically said I can get all his shipment from him if I want. So what I plan on doing is this. once he gets the new shipment whenever that is I plan on keeping some and then either trading them or selling them at the exact price he has them for. I wont be worried about the tax so lets say if the box states it $11.50 for a stick, then thats what I will charge and or trade for in total value. I figured I have a nice stash for myself to last for a year and I plan on aging these bad boys. I did give over a handful away to people I know. So this thread also is an advanced warning of what is to come when he gets the next shipment since he cant sell them and he is more than happy to let me get them all. :thumbs:

Also I am having a great time in KC. i plan on heading home tomorrow at some point. Gonna finally get me a cell phone. Time to have a life line to the rest of the world other than just internet. Ya all do not want to know what I have smoked since yesterday. Just finish a wonderful RAG and gonna have a padron 1926 next.