You are way out of line coming on to this board and attacking established members who you know noting about.
Do yourself and the board a favor. Pull your head out of your arse, read more, learn what this community is about and stop acting like a child. You might find you will enjoy this community with all the friendships and benefis it has to offer, as it is in fact that, and not a forum board as you are accustomed to.
By all means, don't let the door hit you where the Good Lord split you...Cory, you should take a closer look at a community before you go running your mouth. The only troll here is you. Buh-bye dickweed.
Your an asshole. Get a life. Your all pricks.
This thread was about how I think the Patriots got dealt a weak schedule and they have a good chance of going undefeated. No one has posted a reply that was courteous and related to the topic. Dealt with nothing but arrogant ignorant douche bags who think their seniority over me on this site makes their opinions right and mine wrong.
As soon as one of your buddies gets mad at what I said about my team and starts flaming me, then you all hop on his dick and help him so he doesn't get embarrassed. Kind of hard to win an argument when you got 10 kids who are friends arguing against you agree with everything each other says sucking each others dicks. Seriously. Grow up.
If you care to debate anything 1 on 1 with me old timer please, let me know. This whole 10 on 1 thing ain't going. Hope it makes you feel tough.
No one has posted a reply that was courteous and related to the topic.
I thought that my post about the Cowboys being a better team than the Saints was on topic. ???
Come Cory, can't we all just get along?
edit...ahhhh grammer nazis
I never targeted anyone to flame them before they targeted me. 10+ people all quoted me with intentions to start an argument. You were one of the few who didn't. I apologize for saying that NO ONE was polite.
I just can't stand these assholes who think they are king shit because they have been using these forums longer than me. I have my own opinions and I'm allowed to share them. I treat others the way you treat me.
When 10+ people start thinking you're a dick with ears, you might try a little introspective (that means examine yourself) and try to figure out what you said wrong. Better yet, move on.
Come to my house, I'll invite 10 friends over. We can have a debate.
Now apply everything you just said to yourself. "If 10 friends agree with eachvother then you must be wrong!).
In all fairness Cory, a post that proclaims a perfect season for the Patriots in the middle of July, deserves to be met with ridicule.
Now, do we have a bet?
Which game would you like to bet on?
And how is my proclamation sooooo outrageous? Let me know who on that schedule can man handle the Patriots. No one can.
You guys can doubt me all you want and post your shitty teams, (I'm just waiting for someone to say, "DOLFINS WILL GOZ 2 THA SOOPA BOWLZ N WINZ CUZ I LIVE IN FLORIDA".) but the Patriots are by far the best team in the NFL, denying this just makes yourself look foolish.
Come to my house, I'll invite 10 friends over. We can have a debate.
Now apply everything you just said to yourself. "If 10 friends agree with eachvother then you must be wrong!).
And how is my proclamation sooooo outrageous? Let me know who on that schedule can man handle the Patriots. No one can.
You know 10 people that think the Pats will go 19-0?
Does the short bus even hold 10 people?
edit to add: Ill give you 5-1 odds that the Pats cant even make a perfect 16-0 season.
Put up 1 opus, against my five.
You are way out of line coming on to this board and attacking established members who you know noting about.
Do yourself and the board a favor. Pull your head out of your arse, read more, learn what this community is about and stop acting like a child. You might find you will enjoy this community with all the friendships and benefis it has to offer, as it is in fact that, and not a forum board as you are accustomed to.
You're in MY house now. I couldn't care less about pro sports. Its your attitude that sucks. Its not the message, but the messenger. You will not do well here.
I don't need 10 people who think that, I need 10 people who will agree with anything I say.
That's whats going on here.
You're in MY house now. I couldn't care less about pro sports. Its your attitude that sucks. Its not the message, but the messenger. You will not do well here.
But your an arrogant asshole. You will say/do anything to provoke an arguement.
I didn't flame anyone before others flamed me.... You can't deny this.
This isn't your house. No matter how much time you spend on these forums and how many posts you make, this isn't your site.
My attitude is fine. I have a valid arguement with strong supporting evidence. No one else has posted a valid arguement to disprove me.
Grow up kids
Time to go. Buh bye little man. Hope not to see you around the board.
What's going on here is a childish individual coming in with braggadocio going apeshit when anyone dares question what he has typed. If you're going to come in with a statement such as you did (with the disclaimer "First of all, I realize this sounds ridiculous.") you should be prepared to take a little crap about it. What did you think was going to happen? Everyone was just going to say "You're right! We don't even need to play the games. The Pats are so awesome they are the best EVER!"You know 10 people that think the Pats will go 19-0?
Does the short bus even hold 10 people?
edit to add: Ill give you 5-1 odds that the Pats cant even make a perfect 16-0 season.
Put up 1 opus, against my five.
I don't need 10 people who think that, I need 10 people who will agree with anything I say.![]()
That's whats going on here.
Time to go. Buh bye little man. Hope not to see you around the board.
Yeah, anyone who is new to this website is unwelcome I see. Might as well disable the new user registration module Rod.
I have done nothing wrong. Others flamed me, I defended myself. Then he calls in more friends to back him up regardless of what has been said.
Gotta love the internet. Hope you guys aren't this pathetic in real life.
In the nature of good spirited betting,
I am willing to bet Opus, 3-1, that the Pat's don't even go 16-0 through the regular season. Put your one Opus against my three. All day long.
As a Packers fan, I know what it's like to be on top.... and win a deserved Superbowl.
As my boss just said, "I'd rather lose the first game of the season, than the last."