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Pass down time


one day older than dirt
Jan 7, 2001
I was just wondering what everyone thinks is an acceptable time to have a pass before you send it out to the next player? 2-3,4, 10-12? Give your views on this!
I do my best to turn them around in 1-2 days. I start feeling guilty on day 3, and pressured on day 4.Lately, I've had 5 passes arrive in the last 10 days. This has made for trip after trip to the PO. I tend to work the same hours as the postal counter, so lately I've been slipping and holding on to passes longer than I should.IMO, if you simply can't get the pass out the door, post a message in the appropriate forum letting everyone know that the pass is safe and sound. We get the most nervous when a pass goes incommunicado for long periods of time. In my experience, if you let the pass participants know what is going on and make an effort to keep the cigars hydrated, everyone is pretty understanding about short delays.(Edited by KStevenson at 11:49 am on April 7, 2001)
If you are going to have it any longer than 2 days I think you should post/e-mail with why. Just my .02!
I would say 3 days max. If you figure in the mailing time, that would make it @ a week turnaround. Also my .02.
I agree with the time table...by day 3 I am a wreck and the communcation is very important. M Harvey had me hold on a box for the weekend to minimize the week end bad stuff...I thought it was a great idea...but it felt funny to hold it so long...
I can see by the few people that chose to respond, that there is a general consensus of a "feeling of obligation" to keep a pass moving along. Not being involved in more than a couple of three myself, I was just curious to the mind set here at CP. Thanks for your responses. And I look forward to passing with you soon.
Communications is the most important thing when doing a pass. I just posted on the Rewrap Pass thread that due to not being able to get away from the house prior to the P.O. closing today I was going to have to hold it until Monday. I don't like having to change plans especially when I now that everyone involved in the pass are anxious to receive it.Again making sure that the pass originator and all participants know what is happening to the pass should eliminate any ill will from developing.
I kinda like to take the approach "not on my watch" if someone drops the ball I dont want it to be me. Heck I was 1-2 days late STARTING my own pass and felt ashamed as I walked up to the counter to mail the package! On the 2001 BP mailed on Sat am usps from Az and Tim H in Ca had it Monday!
Definately no longer than 3 days unless something unforeseen happens. Even then I think one should post to let others know what is going on. I know what it is like to have your pass held up for weeks due to one individual in a pass. Very frustrating. If I ever do that someone yank my pass privileges for a month okay?Deb
Call the Pass Police...
Send them to Passers Court...
and suspend their Passers Liscens
While I try for two days I believe that three days is not unaccepable specialy if one really appreciates passing.Let's  contemplate my usual scenario. I get home by 8-10 pm just in time to put my son to bed and talk for a few miinutes with my wife when I discover that the pass arrived. I open the pass and contemplate what I'll be taking  from the pass. Day two arrives, if everything is good I'll to my takes, and figure out what I'll be putting in and will post on CP that evening. Prep the box and set it so I take it with me next day to work.On day three I take the box with me and mail it out on my way to work or during lunch (depending on how late I'm running that morning).So ...for most of us who work and have families two - three days is ok. Anything more and  the guilt starts settling in. Of course if the pass arrives on Friday it aint going out until Tuesday the ealiest (Saturday and Sunday don't count).Just I opinion, I could be wrong.:cool:
Geez Gil, your message count wasn't high enough already?  You have to start posting blank messages too???  :biggrin:Seriously, I try to turn around all boxes in 2, maybe 3 days - but, due to circumstances, I have been known to hold it 4-5 days.  But I felt really bad about it!Dave :cool:
DaveHow do you thing I gopt to over 1000 posts?4-5 days? Now go to your humnidor, pick the best cigar and send it to me as your punishment :)