Bill, I care more about the fact that:
1) This has now been carried over into several threads instead of remaining where it originated
2) That Wurm has failed to understand why people have taken offense to what he said
3) The attitude he and others have taken in light of all this
He said what he said. It was wrong, not based on fact, and completely inappropriate considering the topic of the thread he posted it in.
I believe he owes everyone an apology for talking out of his ass.
That said, 6 people overlooked what he wrote and tried to continue the discussion in that thread. It was brought back to light (by you) and things went downhill from there on that and at least 2 other threads that I know of (this one and the car/pole thread.
Jeez, it's Christmas time for crying out loud. My point was and still is that this was not a MAJOR thing and yet it has become one. He's pissed, you're pissed, everyone's getting pissed.
The fact is that there have never been problems with Secret Santa. We have generous members here who try and do something a little extra at this time to make someone's day. Why get everyone riled up about something some guy who's been here 2 months had to say about SS when he wasn't even around at that time?
So yeah, I don't care as much about the offense made by Wurm as I do about everyone dragging this thing around the board on every topic he posts in and in doing so putting a "downer" on the Christmas Spirit here at CP.
Sorry if that offends you....