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Paris Hilton

Let's throw my name in the mix while we're at it. I was involved in Secret Santa for the last two years and I don't recall there being any "receiving and no sending". So say what you will, that's a BS comment. As someone who's been here for a bit, that's a little offensive to all that goes on at CP. I may not post 20 posts a day but this is still somewhere important to me and many others. Making little inaccurate remarks like that aren't appreciated.
Wurm's just another post-padder that doesn't know what he's talking about most of the time.

You've been nominated for asshat of the year!

Make us proud! :laugh:
Wurm - I was in last years Secret Santa - and there was no problem that I saw. I didn't see any flaming going on after last years SS. Nobody complained they didn't get anything... But you weren't here to see that... So how could you paint the picture you did with your comment?

Your post was uncalled for and an insult to the ENTIRE community. You're painting a picture that is not true. And I think you need to correct that mistake - ASAP...
ggiese said:
Your post was uncalled for and an insult to the ENTIRE community. You're painting a picture that is not true. And I think you need to correct that mistake - ASAP...

I agree wurm. You need to apologize for that comment. You were speaking about something of which you had no knowledge.

As for calling CC a Bully, I trademarked that a year ago. I don't recall your asking if you could use it, so send me three sticks as your penalty for using it without prior permission. :whistling:
ricmac25 said:
Let's throw my name in the mix while we're at it.  I was involved in Secret Santa for the last two years and I don't recall there being any "receiving and no sending".  So say what you will, that's a BS comment.  As someone who's been here for a bit, that's a little offensive to all that goes on at CP.  I may not post 20 posts a day but this is still somewhere important to me and many others.  Making little inaccurate remarks like that aren't appreciated.

I don't recall any problems with last year's SS either. The package I got was very generous, and I think that was the norm.
moki said:
ricmac25 said:
Let's throw my name in the mix while we're at it.  I was involved in Secret Santa for the last two years and I don't recall there being any "receiving and no sending".  So say what you will, that's a BS comment.  As someone who's been here for a bit, that's a little offensive to all that goes on at CP.  I may not post 20 posts a day but this is still somewhere important to me and many others.  Making little inaccurate remarks like that aren't appreciated.

I don't recall any problems with last year's SS either. The package I got was very generous, and I think that was the norm.

That's because there WERE NONE. EVERYONE received a package and now wrum's trying to say "Oh well, I can't find the proof because the SS 2004 Forum has been removed." figuring he can use that as an excuse to cover his lie.

wurm seems to have slithered away............
Oh no, he'll be back, he's stubborn, ignorant and arrogant.

He's trying to "ignore" the fact that he's stubborn, ignorant and arrogant by refusing to address his lie about past CigarPass Secret Santas and he shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.

jinigles may "not care" but I do and so do MANY others.

So wurm, your continued attempts at ignoring your problems will not make them go away.
Too bad you let him back in the SS....

He reminds me of Lumberg, another one who needs "meds" ;)
coventrycat86 said:
Oh no, he'll be back, he's stubborn, ignorant and arrogant.

He's trying to "ignore" the fact that he's stubborn, ignorant and arrogant by refusing to address his lie about past CigarPass Secret Santas and he shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.

jinigles may "not care" but I do and so do MANY others.

So wurm, your continued attempts at ignoring your problems will not make them go away.

Bill, I care more about the fact that:

1) This has now been carried over into several threads instead of remaining where it originated

2) That Wurm has failed to understand why people have taken offense to what he said

3) The attitude he and others have taken in light of all this

He said what he said. It was wrong, not based on fact, and completely inappropriate considering the topic of the thread he posted it in. I believe he owes everyone an apology for talking out of his ass.

That said, 6 people overlooked what he wrote and tried to continue the discussion in that thread. It was brought back to light (by you) and things went downhill from there on that and at least 2 other threads that I know of (this one and the car/pole thread.

Jeez, it's Christmas time for crying out loud. My point was and still is that this was not a MAJOR thing and yet it has become one. He's pissed, you're pissed, everyone's getting pissed.

The fact is that there have never been problems with Secret Santa. We have generous members here who try and do something a little extra at this time to make someone's day. Why get everyone riled up about something some guy who's been here 2 months had to say about SS when he wasn't even around at that time?

So yeah, I don't care as much about the offense made by Wurm as I do about everyone dragging this thing around the board on every topic he posts in and in doing so putting a "downer" on the Christmas Spirit here at CP.

Sorry if that offends you....
mrjinglesusa said:
Bill, I care more about the fact that:

1) This has now been carried over into several threads instead of remaining where it originated

2) That Wurm has failed to understand why people have taken offense to what he said

3) The attitude he and others have taken in light of all this

He said what he said. It was wrong, not based on fact, and completely inappropriate considering the topic of the thread he posted it in. I believe he owes everyone an apology for talking out of his ass.

That said, 6 people overlooked what he wrote and tried to continue the discussion in that thread. It was brought back to light (by you) and things went downhill from there on that and at least 2 other threads that I know of (this one and the car/pole thread.

Jeez, it's Christmas time for crying out loud. My point was and still is that this was not a MAJOR thing and yet it has become one. He's pissed, you're pissed, everyone's getting pissed.

The fact is that there have never been problems with Secret Santa. We have generous members here who try and do something a little extra at this time to make someone's day. Why get everyone riled up about something some guy who's been here 2 months had to say about SS when he wasn't even around at that time?

So yeah, I don't care as much about the offense made by Wurm as I do about everyone dragging this thing around the board on every topic he posts in and in doing so putting a "downer" on the Christmas Spirit here at CP.

Sorry if that offends you....

jingles, you have no right to claim I'm "pissed" or telling me I'm "riled up" so knock it off or I'll start in on you.

Too damn bad if I've put a damper on your "Christmas Spirit" :rolleyes: Live with it. You think this guy should get a pass just because it's December? Don't be stupid.......

This "carried" over into other threads BECAUSE OF WURM deciding he'd just "ignore" the issue in the original thread. Blame him for your whinny-assed attitude about it "spilling over" NOT me.

Also, you oughta be careful with words like "ALWAYS", "EVERYONE" and "NEVER" ;)

Do YOU know this for sure?:
The fact is that there have never been problems with Secret Santa.

You're just as bad as wurm except from the other side. :rolleyes:
mrjinglesusa said:
I don't have any desire to get the last word in so I'm just going to leave things as they are. Have fun guys...

jingles, what happened?

You said this five hours ago yet you're right back here with the same babble. Short term memory loss?
Start on me for what Bill? Having an opinion on the matter that differs from yours? There are two sides to everything, this is one of them. This has gotten out of hand, is spilling over into other threads, and now has you ready to start in on me because I didn't agree with you.

Maybe you missed this part of my post:

He said what he said. It was wrong, not based on fact, and completely inappropriate considering the topic of the thread he posted it in. I believe he owes everyone an apology for talking out of his ass.

His offense here is not worth chasing him around the board trying to get him to apologize. You've had issues with him before, for which he apologized and you accepted. Now something else. Maybe he will apologize for this too and then what? In another month he does or says something else that offends you and the cycle continues?

Let's leave the lynchings for people who really deserve them. Not some 2 month member who was talking out of his ass.

Although I don't usually get involved in these things, I have supported and understood why you and others have had to run off people in the past. What those people did was truly deserving of a beat down and "You're done here". Personally, I don't feel this is one of those cases.
coventrycat86 said:
mrjinglesusa said:
I don't have any desire to get the last word in so I'm just going to leave things as they are. Have fun guys...

jingles, what happened?

You said this five hours ago yet you're right back here with the same babble. Short term memory loss?

You brought me into this thread Bill with your post saying "jingles may not care..." so I had to explain in this thread why I said that.
mrjinglesusa said:
Start on me for what Bill?  Having an opinion on the matter that differs from yours?  There are two sides to everything, this is one of them.  This has gotten out of hand, is spilling over into other threads, and now has you ready to start in on me because I didn't agree with you.

Maybe you missed this part of my post:

He said what he said. It was wrong, not based on fact, and completely inappropriate considering the topic of the thread he posted it in. I believe he owes everyone an apology for talking out of his ass.

His offense here is not worth chasing him around the board trying to get him to apologize. You've had issues with him before, for which he apologized and you accepted. Now something else. Maybe he will apologize for this too and then what? In another month he does or says something else that offends you and the cycle continues?

Let's leave the lynchings for people who really deserve them. Not some 2 month member who was talking out of his ass.

Although I don't usually get involved in these things, I have supported and understood why you and others have had to run off people in the past. What those people did was truly deserving of a beat down and "You're done here". Personally, I don't feel this is one of those cases.

Don't be stupid:
Start on me for what Bill?  Having an opinion on the matter that differs from yours?
I told you EXACTLY why I should start in on you, you have no right to draw conclusions on my state of mind by saying I'm "pissed off" or "riled up" If someone were to tell you what your state of mind is knowing your thin skinned personality and propensity to fly off the handle, I can guarantee you that you'd object just as I have here.

I'm not starting in on you (which I just did in case you didn't notice) because of a difference of opinion, for the THIRD time it's because you can't seem to get a grip.

Oh this is a GOOD one:
His offense here is not worth chasing him around the board trying to get him to apologize.
Oh, so no one's supposed to say anything about it, right? Scumbags like Scotty LOVE people like you. This is how CigarWeekly has earned its reputation of protecting scammers and troublemakers. Sorry jingles but if you can't stand all this "unpleasantness" then head on over to CigarWeekly, you'll love it there.

Who appointed you to decide that things are "out of hand"? This is where I do have a "problem" with you jingles, no one made you the site owner of CigarPass and you can continue to whine all you want about me. Go ahead, keep it up. My opinion of you is dropping FAST.

Maybe you don't care, that's fine too, neither do I..........