Zeebra said:
bfreebern said:
seadub said:
I am going to ask you once to let everyone know that you don't have all the Padron 1926s in stock... so someone doesn't place an order (like I did) only to find out you don't have them 'all in stock.'
I'm a little pissed that I feel I was mislead by your site (which showed you had them available, even down to the number). Please be fair and let everyone know.
The first part of this does seem a little pushy. You were going to ask him "once"? You sure as hell didn't "ask" for a clarification, seems to me you demanded one.
Just the way I read it.
I can see that Brandon. However considering the PM came from a newbie with 16 posts, it hardly represents the vast majority of CP members opinions. I just don't think the reply from Bob to all members on the board was warranted. It should have been handled through PMs.
On the one hand, I would not expect most folks to check the newbie status of members sending them PMs or emails. But on the other hand, seadub was clearly a bit aggressive in his wording.
We have to remember that in dealing with vendors (and others),
every single one of us is a de facto representative of the board in matters of good conduct and poor.
That said, Bob's response was unwarranted and confrontational. He said that he posted while angry and I say that that is never a good thing to do. Ian was never at risk here, at least not to those of us who know and deal with him. Your actions, however, have cast a pall on his presence here and now he has that much of a harder row to hoe with new members.
What a shame. This is yet another trifling matter that could and should have been resolved person-to-person. But in a public flogging, it has become an ugly matter, blown well out of proportion and revealing not but the worst of those involved. What a shame.