Sam your proposals are more than fair!!. First off I want to say to everyone that I hope in no way shape or form is Sams integrity in question here!!! He has without a doubt, been one of the most generous traders I have come across. I recieved another BOMB from him today that was amazing. Anyway, about the Monte's. Yes I did trade 4 for 4 cohiba robustos for the montes. As some of you know, I love my smokes!! LOL

Sam did email me and he was quite upset about the whole ordeal. I then I called to speak to him about this.
I was planning on letting these age awhile as they are still abit young for my liking but for a friend I fired one up. The construction compared to others in my humi. Very well made and nice triple caps. The size is just a little longer then the others I have but not more then an 1/8". The color is lighter alot lighter than others I have but certainly nothing to be concerned about. The crest of the band was slightly off center to the left. Upon inspection of my others I found them to be slightly off center to the right. Again, not a whole lot to go on there. Ok I put the torch to it. Still a bit moist but my humi is running about 68% right now which is considerably more than I like(about3%) and usually I take my isoms out an hour or so before I smoke. Tonight for the cause i pulled it and lit it. I paid a small price in smoking a moist havana. This thing did burn perfectly throughout and i never had a run or had to relight. It was a bit tight throughout but as i said it was a little moister than I care for. The flavor starting out was mild to bland even but about 1" in it started to open up abit. About 1/2 way through it really started to open up. No question at this point that it was legit. If it were fake with just cuban tobacco it wouldnt change flavors throughout. It would be one dimensional. Although i must admit i havent smoked a lot of fakes. Only 2 and I couldnt finish either. For me the true test of a havana is the finish. Sorry but this one is a nubber. only 1/2 an inch sitting in my ashtray right now. The last 1/3 of this really kicked in and opened up and was just wonderful. I went into this with an open mind ans Sam even offered me my Cohibas back if these werent legit. As tempting as it was to get my Cohibas back

.... These montes were legit. For anyone else in this pass that doesnt want to take a chance, leave them there for me!!! I will gladly take everyones share and replace them with sticks from my humi for Sam.As some of you may remember the Cigar Dr. I have no problem calling a fake a fake. Cant do that here.
Im by no means an expert just an obsessed cigar junkie who had read and smoked and watched every video he could get his hands on. You can get a very good video from gereards I believe it is. Its all about Cuban tobacco and the whole process from the fields to the boxes. One of my favorite parts is towards the end where they have already rolled the smokes and are sorting for color. Theres huge piles of cigars that someone is going through to sort into as close as possible, color matches for individiual boxes. There is noway you can be assured every cigar in a box was rolled by one person. I can say almost without a doubt that very few if any boxes contain all the cigars from one roller from the same day!! No way!! Theres over 70 differnt color variations in cuban cigars!!!I have several cigars from the same Vitola and they are drastically different in color. No difference in taste whatsoever. even the robustos that i just got where way differnt in color. One box was from mar01 the other from apr01. The moral of the story. Dont judge a book by its cover. My offer stands to everyone, if you dont want the monte they are mine

To the others that brought this to Sams attention, please light it up and see for yourself. Ill be happy to discuss this with anyone. Send me an email with your number or asking for mine and Ill be happy to call you.If anyone else has any cigars they think are not legit, please send them to me for proper identification. ahh beter send a couple of each, just in case!!