When I was in Pepin's storefront a few months ago, I asked about the bats, pipes, etc., and the proprietor told me that they weren't for smoking and that there was some cardboard (or something similar) in it for structural rigidity.
It's possible that he was talking about the pipes, but I'm pretty sure he claimed that the bats were reinforced. I was surprised to hear that since I also feel like I recall reading accounts of people smoking both of them around here someplace.
For what it's worth, the proprietor didn't seem to know much about the Tatuajes that were on the shelf in front of us (I forget what I asked him, but by no means was it a stumper of any sort), so perhaps he was mistaken or misinformed on several dimensions.
Sorry for the ambiguity and any resulting doubt. I'd recommend going ahead and firing it up if your Yankees win it all--to hell with the possibility of cardboard. After all, how many times are the Yankees going to win the World Series this year?
Besides, it's just like smoking a bunch of rolling papers all at once...