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Padrón Puros Gold (50th Anniversary)

It went for $60k!

Seeing it went at a charity event, I'm curious if that amount is a write off for somebody.
Let's see, over five years, that's $200 a stick. Maybe if four of us bought cigar holders we could share about four good drags out of one of these.

Hope the single is less than a Fuente coffin.
If the MSRP truly is $12k, that would put them at $40 a stick, which I think would be much more attainable.
XxMerlinxX said:
If the MSRP truly is $12k, that would put them at $40 a stick, which I think would be much more attainable.
Ouch.  $40 still hurts.  I'm hoping for something like max $30.
I should start saving now for the Padron 100 year anniv.  Let's see... I should be 80 by then...
If the MSRP truly is $12k, that would put them at $40 a stick, which I think would be much more attainable.
Ouch.  $40 still hurts.  I'm hoping for something like max $30.
I should start saving now for the Padron 100 year anniv.  Let's see... I should be 80 by then...

At least you'll only be 80, I'll be dead. I'll haunt you to find out how they were.
golfgar said:

If the MSRP truly is $12k, that would put them at $40 a stick, which I think would be much more attainable.
Ouch.  $40 still hurts.  I'm hoping for something like max $30.
I should start saving now for the Padron 100 year anniv.  Let's see... I should be 80 by then...
At least you'll only be 80, I'll be dead. I'll haunt you to find out how they were.

lol.  I burn one as an offering to your spirit.
...all I need now are eleven more solid BOTL's with a K to invest.... :whistling:
We could buy one, sit around a campfire, and pass it around. And, don't all of you tell me you never passed something smokeable around... :whistling:
Talked to Jeff Padron about this on Saturday and was wondering if he had any "samples" ;). Unfortunately he didn't but I did want to know what the deal is here, especially around the auctioned humi. He said, that the sticks in the humidor has what is most likely to be the final cigar. They are still tossing around two blends, and are 90% settled on the blend that went out in this auction.
They are all a tizzy over this one, according to him. They've gone back and forth many times over the blend, trying to top everything they've ever made. Apparently they keep psyching them selves out over the blend and are really working to make it the best. 
Based on the way he reacted and spoke about this project, it leads me to believe it will truly be a one of a kind smoke.
OpusXKC said:
Talked to Jeff Padron about this on Saturday and was wondering if he had any "samples" ;). Unfortunately he didn't but I did want to know what the deal is here, especially around the auctioned humi. He said, that the sticks in the humidor has what is most likely to be the final cigar. They are still tossing around two blends, and are 90% settled on the blend that went out in this auction.
They are all a tizzy over this one, according to him. They've gone back and forth many times over the blend, trying to top everything they've ever made. Apparently they keep psyching them selves out over the blend and are really working to make it the best. 
Based on the way he reacted and spoke about this project, it leads me to believe it will truly be a one of a kind smoke.
...or they can't top their previous cigars with the tobacco they now have available.  ??? They're set the bar pretty high for themselves.
Gary, You've said a mouthful, and I've wondered that myself. To really be distinctive from their "family" or "signature" profiles, the cigar really has to, in essence, distinguish itself from their current cigars which can often rival any cigar made. Pretty hard to do, especially with a possible ingrained blending style, possible same tobaccos as usual, etc. I'm still sure it will be great but, will it be worth that much more than the 64s and 26s?
Just a little out loud musing about the 300 cigar deal and whether it will be common or an auction item only....hope you don't mind.

I don't mean to act like a nerd but considering the time value of money there would be about a $6.00 avg increase in price for the last 250 smokes. Sounds a bit like a financing tool or a Temporary Seat License (TSL vs PSL...some teams have PSL's to finance stadiums). If they are really good I wonder if there would be an after market for the remaining shipments and how they would decide who gets TSL. In the end they should be available in the same box sizes as the current production cigars because there would be few buyers to plunk down $12,000. I have never burned a $50 bill and probably won't smoke a $50 cigar, although you never know.

They are still tossing around two blends, and are 90% settled on the blend that went out in this auction.
What if they change the blend and the guy(s) who buy don't like the change for the next 5 years? They most likely would not change it once it is out and how could you not like Padron cigars anyway even the x000 series is good.

I agree with those above, they have a pretty high bar to hit since all the other cigars are pretty darn good and always well constructed and seemingly consistent.

We could buy one, sit around a campfire, and pass it around. And, don't all of you tell me you never passed something smokeable around... :whistling:
Sitting around a campfire conjures up Kumbaya scenes from my past as a child of the '60s and now it is stuck in my head rolling around there. Thanks for that.
Hah, someone's singing...in your head...Kumbaya...I love that song. :laugh:
One of a kind cigar = one of a kind price.  
It'll be interesting to see what the actual selling price vs. msrp will end up being.