I forgot to thank everyone for their hospitality.
Brent - For all of the jokes about your weight, the fact that you have done everything I have done (only better, harder, wetter, etc), the fact that you made me wait at Jack Stack for two hours before letting me order, your doppelganger (no photo-shopped pics will be forthcoming btw)....wait was any of that you??? Regardless of all of those things, you are a great friend and host...thanks bro.
Kendall, Scottie, Derrick, Adam, Tim and anybody else working at the Outlaw...good show.
Brad, John H, Josh, Tony, Bryce, Lil Joe, Matt, Old Filipino Joe, Jeff Padron, Khris, Kenny, JTuttle, Kid Montana, and anyone else I forgot...thanks for a great weekend.
Let's not forget that Tourette's is a serious disease. That coupled with alcoholism and some serious Tony-envy can lead anyone to become an annoying pain in the ass.
Finally, to my roommate Joe - Thank you for your tender companionship and for laughing when the morbidly obese woman sat in the chair next me and on top of me for the plane ride home.