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Opus X Newbie Question

FWIW, Cool Rivers in located in an upscale area of the Dallas/Ft Worth metro area. The food is excellent and the atmosphere top notch. I've been there on several occasions and we always bring our own smokes. Did I mention the atmosphere is top notch?

People with money and a few drinks in them have no problem spending those amounts. Do any of yall actually think that a rich oil executive or a Dallas Cowboy football player has any problem spending that kind of money trying to portray the image of the previleged? LOL... if only they knew.
To put this back on subject..... the coffin could have been the Opus "A" or a box of the limited Opus made specifically for CFCF.

The Opus "A" msrp use to be $25 but now is closer to $30. The limited Opus for CFCF msrp average about $34/$35.

BTW, a cigar is worth what someone will pay for it. :)
Don buy any opus X from Scottish tobacco their prices are very high, they have a nice selection of cigar but opus X is 5 times higher than other places, because he buy them at regular price and resale them.
If you want to try opus you can go to Tabacco World at Sandy Plains in Marietta, last time I was there they had a few boxes of opus,añejo,hemm maduros, their selection is better and the prices are fair.