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One year old on CP!

Well It seems that I WON.... That guided missle hit the target today. WOW is all I can say.. I have to type fast as I am losing more blood as I type.. Wait... I can't feel my legs anymore.. Someone HELLLP MEEE..

Well done bro, I will savor every stick, Many I have not even tried yet, so this is a REAL treat..

Thanks again.
Were you pulling our chain there Brian. None of those DC numbers come up (as of 20:20 today) even though some ppl say they got something. Pretty sneaky.

"Label/Receipt Number: 0103-8555-7499-0629-0120

There is no record of this item."


lol he put the dashes in there for deception!

No seriously, if you take out the dashes the DC#'s work

Edit to clarify