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On This Day, Dec. 7, 1941

Devil Doc

When Death smiles, Corpsmen smile back
Oct 16, 2005
It was on this day in 1941 that Japanese bombers attacked Pearl Harbor. Two thousand three hundred and ninety Americans were killed and the 7th Fleet lost the use of most of her battleships. Luckily her bird farms weren't there, which proved to be decisive at the battle of Midway. Congress declared war the following morning, and the United States officially entered WWII. God rest those men's souls.

I would actually say they are the generation with the greatest sense of entitlement. Besides fighting in WW2 they have driven our nation down a path of self-destruction through ever expanding 'social' programs. However, what actually occurred at Pearl Harbor and the following carnage in the Pacific is a real tragedy. I agree, God rest their souls.

I would actually say they are the generation with the greatest sense of entitlement. Besides fighting in WW2 they have driven our nation down a path of self-destruction through ever expanding 'social' programs. However, what actually occurred at Pearl Harbor and the following carnage in the Pacific is a real tragedy. I agree, God rest their souls.


I'm thinking maybe it's their kids (baby boomers) that have that entitlement attitude.

But hey we are not supposed to get into that stuff here
I don't think folks who lived through the depression ever felt entitled to anything.

My Dad was 11 years old and living in Pearl City on that fateful day. Not knowing any better, he climbed up on his roof to see what was happening and watched the attack unfold. He said the Japanese planes flew by him low enough that he could see the Rising Sun on the pilot's helmets.

Afterwards my uncle, (Dad's oldest brother) enlisted in the USAAF and flew over 100 mission as a ball turret gunner and P61 gunner, over Eurpoe and Japan.


Truly a great generation in terms of wilingness to die for cause and country.

WWII Casualty figures for the USA

KIA - 405,400

WIA - 670,800

POW - 139,700
I don't think folks who lived through the depression ever felt entitled to anything.


Amen. As always, thanks for posting this Doc.

And DR - thanks for sharing your family's experience as well.
Master Sergeant Paul Pete. My father served in the 9th Army Air Corp in Europe. He worked primarily on P-47 Thunderbolts and B-26 Maurader bombers.


Arguably, that generation sacrificed more than any other in the history of this great nation. A sense of entitlement? I think not. Like everybody else in that generation, Dad lived through the Great Depression before surviving World War Two. He came home determined to build a life and to put the war and all it's memories behind him. He worked hard all his life to provide for his family and he never asked for anything. Dad never talked about what he experienced in the war years until I took him to an air show in the mid-90's. There was a B-17 Flying Fortress there. As we walked around that plane, Dad started talking.

Sorry, it has taken me a long time to write this. Tomorrow is the eighth anniversary of his death and I deleted a lot of what I wrote here. He was a part of the greatest generation. We owe them all a great deal.
I would actually say they are the generation with the greatest sense of entitlement. Besides fighting in WW2 they have driven our nation down a path of self-destruction through ever expanding 'social' programs. However, what actually occurred at Pearl Harbor and the following carnage in the Pacific is a real tragedy. I agree, God rest their souls.

I wasn't a history major, but I did take a course in Historiography. It's the study of how history is written. This statement above is the perfect example of someone trying to re-write history to support their political views. There is a lot of this going on today. You need to be wary of it.

Thank you Doc.

You recognize many of our fathers and grandfather's selfless service.

And many many brave people who followed.
Truly a day that WILL live in infamy! My father was unable to serve in the military due to health reasons and was turned down- probably a good thing at this stage of the game, I might not be here. But he and some of my uncles and grand dads were able to work in the lead mines mining lead for Dupont to make bullets for the effort. We truly owe these soldiers and all of the soldiers through the years for the freedoms that we often take for granted here in these United States!
I wasn't a history major, but I did take a course in Historiography. It's the study of how history is written. This statement above is the perfect example of someone trying to re-write history to support their political views. There is a lot of this going on today. You need to be wary of it.


I wasn't a History major either, but I'm not trying to re-write anything. The facts are that many of the social programs burdening our nation today (or I'll be blunt and just say Medicare and Social Security) were formulated in the 40's (New Deal) or have come from the precedents set during that time period. Without going too much farther I'll just say it's hard for me to pick between the worst Presidents ever, but FDR is in my top 3. I will again express my appreciation for the people who fought in WW2 as well as all other wars and conflicts from then until now. It is because of them I am free to criticize like I am. I will never speak poorly of a veteran.

The facts are that many of the social programs burdening our nation today (or I'll be blunt and just say Medicare and Social Security) were formulated in the 40's (New Deal) or have come from the precedents set during that time period. Without going too much farther I'll just say it's hard for me to pick between the worst Presidents ever, but FDR is in my top 3.

Dude, you really need to end this right now. You have wandered so deep into the political that you are well into the field of controversial. There are many of our number who would vehemently disagree with you...there are many of our number who might agree with you to an extent. Either way, CP is designed to be free from such controversies. Politics is divisive and we have no place for that here. Do not post an apology, especially not one like this, and just let this drop.

Hard to imagine how a tribute to Pearl Harbor can turn into this. My hats are off to all veterans and to the generation that saved the world.
God rest their souls. My wife and I visited the memorial while honeymooning in Hawaii to pay our respects, it was a truly moving experience. It's one of those places that every American should put on their list of places to visit.
God bless our fallen soldiers and all the veterans that have fought to defend and preserve.
I'm a little young to be tied to this more than through my granddad and history books, but I can certainly acknowledge it's significance and bow my head to yet another generation that sacrificed so much to make this place what it is.

USA kicks ass.