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OK if you had the choice between an iPhone and any other mobile phone

I would have an iPhone if not for my work. I do love my crackberry curve though :love:

Actually got the new curve on T-Mobile today. I'm about to set it up.
I do not have an iPhone nor can I get one because of the service I have through work :( . So the iPhone is forbidden fruit in my world. I have three friends that have one and they freakin love them. I have played around on it, and they are setup fantastically. I have Windows Mobile 6 and I would do just about anything for Apple to open the iPhone up to T-Mobile!
I have: http://www.htc.com/www/product/touchpro/overview.html

Great phone but I screwed with too many settings and missing the range of apps(read: games) iphone has.

Keyboard is :thumbs:

But if $150 gets you questioning the phone the $300 for the baby will definitely be a no.

My general manager has a HTC and he loves it. hmmmm I'll have to think about it, but right now I am leaning towards the iPhone.

Do not buy from Verizon. They gimped it and it's slow as hell.
Coverage is the main issue preventing me from having an iphone, but then, I live in the boonies and AT&T's network sucks once you leave the population centers in the US. I would assume that Europe, being so much denser for the most part, is pretty well covered. If that is the case, I'd go with the iphone - it's a sweet little machine.
iPhone all the way. I have had my 1st gen since Sept 2007. No problems what so ever. I used to go through a cell phone once every 6 months because I would get bored with them. Just a heads up though, Apple is expected to announce/release the 3rd version this June most likely at the WWD conference.
You just can't beat a jail-broken iPhone. I'm never bored.
I have had the iPhone for a couple of months now and love it. I can leave the house and get updates and email as necessary.

I've got the G1 (Google's answer to the Iphone) with T-Mobile. If you compared phone to phone and overall usability I would probably say the Iphone is superior, but then again it's on what, it's 3rd generation? There are definitely some tweaks that need to be made to the Android software, but the great thing about it is that it is open source whereas the IPhone is pretty closed down. As far as the device is concerned the G1 is a bit clunkier and not as sleek as the Iphone, but the G1 has a full QWERTY keyboard and you also have the ability to change the battery (can't with the Iphone) and you have the ability to swap out memory as well which comes in very handy. I've got two different 8GB cards, one has movies on it, and one has music/pictures. There is a 16GB card out right now that can be used with the G1, and there are rumors of a 32GB card coming out in the near future. The great thing about it is that you are never limited to the amount of memory that you can have like you are with the Iphone. The Itunes integration with the Iphone is far superior to anything the G1 has, but that's sort of a double edged sword. The music I pay for does not have DRM and thus cannot be played via Itunes (to my knowledge) and all of the music you purchase via Itunes is heavily guarded and can only be used on a few devices. Usability, functionality, and the "sleek" factor are definitely the Iphones major wins, but with the G1 I have many more possibilities and am not nearly as tied down. The good thing about the usability and functionality issues on the G1 is that they can be fixed with an OTA update and it wont require upgrading hardware. IMHO when Google works out all of the kinks with the Android software the G1 will be far superior to the Iphone but there is no telling when that will happen and by then it's more than likely that Apple will have released a 7th generation Iphone. If I were on AT&T I'd have an Iphone and be happy with it, but as of right now I am on T-Mobile and have the G1 and am happy.
Coverage is the main issue preventing me from having an iphone, but then, I live in the boonies and AT&T's network sucks once you leave the population centers in the US. I would assume that Europe, being so much denser for the most part, is pretty well covered. If that is the case, I'd go with the iphone - it's a sweet little machine.

I'm in the samw boat here, AT&T's coverage is prety non-existent up here Verizon only gives be basic (No 3G) until I get into Port Jervis or down near Scranton. My brother-in-law has an iphone and he loves it, he actually lives somewhere it can all be used. I actually have a Verizon LG touch screen thingy and it works pretty well here for what I need.
The Itunes integration with the Iphone is far superior to anything the G1 has, but that's sort of a double edged sword. The music I pay for does not have DRM and thus cannot be played via Itunes (to my knowledge) and all of the music you purchase via Itunes is heavily guarded and can only be used on a few devices.

This information is a little dated. Itunes is now DRM-free, the music bought in iTunes is encoded as an AAC formatted music file, but many players support that format. An iPod or iPhone will also play MP3 music files.
The Itunes integration with the Iphone is far superior to anything the G1 has, but that's sort of a double edged sword. The music I pay for does not have DRM and thus cannot be played via Itunes (to my knowledge) and all of the music you purchase via Itunes is heavily guarded and can only be used on a few devices.

This information is a little dated. Itunes is now DRM-free, the music bought in iTunes is encoded as an AAC formatted music file, but many players support that format. An iPod or iPhone will also play MP3 music files.

I did not know that! All of the information I provided was when I did research when I was buying the G1 back in December.
I would highly recommend the iPhone. I can't get one because I have Verizon, so I had to settle for the iPod touch. It's an awesome little machine. My buddy has an iPhone, and I play with his all the time. I have Verizon's Dare, which is a great phone, but does not have third party app support like the iPhone which is what I believe makes it the best of the best. I'm just not willing to switch networks just to get one.
I would love to have the Iphone. I can't because there is no service in my area with the provider,so I have Verizon and an I pod touch.
Two cans and a string!

Show this to your young children.
The main thing you need to think about is it for work meaning are you looking to get e-mails or is it more just for a phone?? The Blackberry has a better interface for sending and receiving e-mails. The I-Phone is all apps. Because you know that there is an app for that!! :) I have a Crackberry and I love it. But there are some cool features with the I-Phone. I work in the cellular business and this is debated all the time. Just my two cents.
I've had Palm Treos for nearly 6 years (Treo 600, 650, 7XXp, centro). All with PALM OS, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I spent over $500 (with a 2 year contract) on my first Treo, and haven't looked back. The Palm PRE is due out in the next 2 months (supposed to be the first serious Iphone competitor). I don't use mine for business, all personal, and I'm a text fanatic (like 4k a month), and it is great all around.

I've never had a physical issue with any of the phones, just some small software stuff that they rectified immediately. These phones have been dropped, thrown, and fallen off of motorcycles at 60+ mph, and never failed. My current centro has taken the most beating, and is still ticking perfect. Great battery life, sprint EVDO network is super fast, and their customer support is no longer in India, its in the mid-west, so you speak to pleasant, native english speakers who actually help.

Sorry to sound like a sprint salesman, but I've tried all the others, had crackberrys, iphones, etc; att, verizon, helio, and none of them could compare, I always came back to my Sprint Palm devices.


Edited for link.
Blackberry 8330 is what I use. I'd like to play with the Bold from AT&T. What I've used on the iPhone, I like. I'm curious to how the Palm Pre is going to be.

i would stop to exist if i lost my iphone it is the best phone in the world.
Love my Iphone. Very few complaints, no flash for safari, no texting pictures, worst cell phone camera ever and no video. Some of this is scheduled to be fixed by v.3 this summer. Still, I wouldn't give it back.