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Too much time, too little brain, makes for bad journalism, and needless discussions on ridiculous subjects. Hey but one benefit for you Dion, you may have just gotten a new customer. I'm gonna try and find one of your sticks in my area, and if I can't well, then online, but I'll find one, I want one, and it's all because of this discussion, so really, as sad as it is that this started in a negative way, there may be some good from it yet. :)
Dion, thanks for posting the explanations to the names. Personally I assumed Gary Artz was an Asshat from the start and I did not need an explanation of the names of your cigars, but I did like reading about them, I find that kind of stuff (anything about cigar manufacture) to be interesting.

BOTL's, please stop comparing Gary to Joseph McCarthy; Joe was proven right later. Gary will still be a tool 50 years from now.

At this point, if there's anybody out there that has a problem with my cigar, the meanings, or concept, they can go F**K themselves and smoke something else, 'cause the truth is right in front of you....

"People fear what they don't understand."...

My cigars were born here in these forums, CP, CW and CS to name just a few. Better I should post here than to reply on a site that has tried to dismantle me both mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally - not to mention business-wise. Thanks for all of your support...

Heya Dion,

Well done, sir! I agree with you; "People fear what they don't understand". The corollary to that is that "scared people tend to attack that which frightens them" and, clearly, you gave Gary Arzt quite a fright ;) Thanks for taking the time to post here, it is one of the great pleasures of CP that we have direct access to so many great manufacturers, branders, and retailers. As you know from our PM conversations, I am quite a fan of your cigars and wish you continued success. Keep doing what you're doing with Illusione and your brand will continue to thrive on the strength of your products.

I must say, I was laughing out loud reading Mr. Arzt's article. It's rare to get a glimpse into the inner workings of the mind of such a petty, narrow, vengeful, self-important douchebag so oblivious to the fact of his own patent absurdity that he actually thinks his slander is worthy of something other than abject scorn. What a fucking tool.

God bless America! How awesome is it that some random prick can just make shit up out of thin air relating you to skinheads and Nazi's? Outstanding! Now comes the flip side, Gary. You know, the part where we get to turn around and mercilessly bludgeon you with your own stupidity. Let's all hear it for Freedom of the Press!

Nazis and skinheads? That's all you could come up with? Come on, Gary, at least put some effort into it. That stuff's all low hanging fruit - simple hot-button smears that idiots use to make other idiots rouse themselves because, hey; when you say things like "Nazi", there's a fight a-brewin' fer sure and who doesn't like to watch a good mud flinging match? Seriously, what a lazy bastard you are Gary. At least try to come up with something intelligent or interesting or challenging. I'm sure you could do better than a grade school insult if you kicked that little one-gerbil-powered brain of yours in to overdrive and really focused! Hey, how'd that gerbil get in there anyway - are you into bestiality Gary? See what I did there? See what I mean? These lame insults and innuendos come across as so WEAK - they're embarrassing. Why would you use them?

Instead of writing an article that "makes no conclusions and is merely speculation of the writer." and performing a hit job on someone in retribution for some perceived slight, why not just do your job? What is that again? Oh yeah - you're a hack writing ad copy, er..."articles" for some cigar pimping rag? Way to be, Gary, way to be.

I'll say it again: what a fucking tool.

- Tim
God I admire you SinnyC!!! :thumbs:

Now change your avatar. J/k of course. :laugh:
Outstanding! Now comes the flip side, Gary. You know, the part where we get to turn around and mercilessly bludgeon you with your own stupidity. Let's all hear it for Freedom of the Press!
- Tim

Excellent point,

Arzt has pulled this shit before, with Padilla. This guy is a complete joke and is some sort of relationship with United Tobacco and the Pepin's. Check out this thread at CF. Arzt is "Taipan5255". http://lounge.cigarfamily.com/showthread.p...644#post3012644

Maybe the guy has a grudge cause Dion called him a "knucklehead". :laugh:
At this point, if there's anybody out there that has a problem with my cigar, the meanings, or concept, they can go F**K themselves and smoke something else, 'cause the truth is right in front of you....

"People fear what they don't understand."...

My cigars were born here in these forums, CP, CW and CS to name just a few. Better I should post here than to reply on a site that has tried to dismantle me both mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally - not to mention business-wise. Thanks for all of your support...

Heya Dion,

Well done, sir! I agree with you; "People fear what they don't understand". The corollary to that is that "scared people tend to attack that which frightens them" and, clearly, you gave Gary Arzt quite a fright ;) Thanks for taking the time to post here, it is one of the great pleasures of CP that we have direct access to so many great manufacturers, branders, and retailers. As you know from our PM conversations, I am quite a fan of your cigars and wish you continued success. Keep doing what you're doing with Illusione and your brand will continue to thrive on the strength of your products.

I must say, I was laughing out loud reading Mr. Arzt's article. It's rare to get a glimpse into the inner workings of the mind of such a petty, narrow, vengeful, self-important douchebag so oblivious to the fact of his own patent absurdity that he actually thinks his slander is worthy of something other than abject scorn. What a fucking tool.

God bless America! How awesome is it that some random prick can just make shit up out of thin air relating you to skinheads and Nazi's? Outstanding! Now comes the flip side, Gary. You know, the part where we get to turn around and mercilessly bludgeon you with your own stupidity. Let's all hear it for Freedom of the Press!

Nazis and skinheads? That's all you could come up with? Come on, Gary, at least put some effort into it. That stuff's all low hanging fruit - simple hot-button smears that idiots use to make other idiots rouse themselves because, hey; when you say things like "Nazi", there's a fight a-brewin' fer sure and who doesn't like to watch a good mud flinging match? Seriously, what a lazy bastard you are Gary. At least try to come up with something intelligent or interesting or challenging. I'm sure you could do better than a grade school insult if you kicked that little one-gerbil-powered brain of yours in to overdrive and really focused! Hey, how'd that gerbil get in there anyway - are you into bestiality Gary? See what I did there? See what I mean? These lame insults and innuendos come across as so WEAK - they're embarrassing. Why would you use them?

Instead of writing an article that "makes no conclusions and is merely speculation of the writer." and performing a hit job on someone in retribution for some perceived slight, why not just do your job? What is that again? Oh yeah - you're a hack writing ad copy, er..."articles" for some cigar pimping rag? Way to be, Gary, way to be.

I'll say it again: what a fucking tool.

- Tim

I gotta say Tim, you're post lifted me right out of the funk I've been in for the past few days! You said things here that I haven't been able to express lateley because of it and, I'm usually not one for being "at a loss for words!" Thanks again to all BOTL's here at CP.

With a little bit of luck why don't you find yourself down in the bay area for a smoke too Cory!
I will gladly smoke a cigar with you or Dion when that opportunity arrives, because somehow, the genteel blue smoke of a great cigar makes the above issues just fade into the fog.

Any time you'd like indy...
Dion is good Peeps! :cool: With a bit of luck, I'll be in Fumare next Friday and get a chance to burn one with you. :thumbs:

DUDE!? I'll be in Miami all next week. :(

The rest of the boys will be there I'm sure. See you on your next trip -
Hey Dion,

Thank you for sharing the behind the scene thoughts with your incredible cigars! Having met you briefly at the last RTDA and now reading this--make a whole lot of sense--nothing short of genius!

As for Tim, easy on the accolades--I have to share a smoke with the guy almost every Thursday and we don't want his head to get any bigger :) :p



PS the F9 you gave me at the RTDA is in the collection box and will probably not smoke it until a very worth while occassion comes up--like when you come and visit Minneapolis :D
I just read a little background on this Artz character. I won't elaborate, but I will say this guy is a joke. He needs to get a life and take OFF the tin foil hat and come back to reality. :)

Dion - if nothing else, this is a great way to get your name out there! Fine job on clarifying the real facts.
Hello Dion.
Thank you for the info. I look forward to trying some of these cigars. Can't wait... :)
Thanks for clearing the air, Dion. What a freaking joke this whole thing was. Also, I just smoked a couple of your cigars last night (f9 and MK Ultra) and they were damn good! I'm adding Illusione to my box purchase list for when I make some room in the cooler.
Looks like the goof ball that runs the show over there has pulled the article AND the thread that dealt with it. Either that or he buried it behind a bunch of different barriers. It says you need a login, but I don't have one.

I hope someone copied it before it got pulled.

I wonder why he isn't standing behind what his publication produced? I mean, "first amendment" and all.