Gents, here are some FAQs about the pool that have good to know info. Just thought I'd post it if you didn't find it on there.
When is the picking deadline?
The pick deadline is 15 minutes before the first game of the tournament. ALL picks must be in before the deadline.
What if I'm out of town or can't get to a computer to make picks in one week?
This is up to your pool admin. The pool admin can make picks for you, so if you e-mail your picks to the admin, your picks can be entered by the admin at any time.
What happens if I don't make my picks before the deadline?
This is up to the pool admin. The admin can let you submit late picks or assign picks to give you points in any fashion that he/she likes.
After I make my picks, can I go back and change them?
You can change your picks as many times as you like before the pick deadline. Once the deadline passes, you won't be able to make any more changes.
Can I see the picks that other member in my pool have made?
Yes. All picks can be seen via the All Picks page after the deadline passes.
When is scoring updated?
Game scores are updated at the end of the day. Pool Scoring updates automatically when the game scores update.