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Oak Leaf Cab


What have I gotton myself into?!
Aug 2, 2008
Keep in mind that I am an extremely novice wine drinker, and really only drink a glass here and there when I am really craving it. I was at Walmart the other night and saw this wine for $3 a bottle and decided I couldn't really say no. I've been able to taste the difference between merlots, cabs, and pinots, but I've never really been able to tell the difference from one cab to the next (never had a "nicer" glass though) so I figured that I wouldn't really be able to taste that it's a $3 bottle of wine. Luckily for me my palate is not developed enough to distinguish the variances and this $3 bottle of wine has proved to be quite tasty without hurting my wallet at all. If there are any other wine newbies out there I would definitely suggest trying it out because worst case scenario you're just out $3!
My sister in law lives in Dallas (well Double Oak/Roanoak, up near Flower Mound). I've got to tell her to pick up some of this. :thumbs:

I'm a big Cabernet Sauvignon fan, I'll bet I'll like it just as much as any boxed Cab that costs more than this stuff! :thumbs:

Thanks for mentioning it smokintexas! :)

EDIT. I did a little intraweb checking on this stuff and lots of people say its a great value for what it is. Someone was saying they paid $1.97 a bottle for it in Nevada last summer. :0 Hell, that's cheaper than bottled water :laugh: and a helluva lot better for ya!

Thanks again smokin'!
Double Oak is right around the corner from me so if she plans on going to the Walmart on the corner of 407 and 2499 tell her she might want to wait a few days as I cleaned out the last 3 bottles they had in stock the other day :blush:
The Wal Marts around here are all full of the stuff, never really thought it was great, but I am also a relative wine newb.
I've had some of that, and a few other brands as well, Charles Shaw, Golden Bridge. They are not bad wines. Now I have had bottles in the $14 dollar range which blew them out of the water, but so does a PAdron Anniversary compared to a 3000 Maduro. Its worth the money, and you wont feel like you threw your money away. Definatly worth a shot.
I once heard that some of the less expensive wines add fruit juices, etc., to the mix.

Can't substantiate it but, what the hey, if it tastes good, go for it.

I've tasted some wines that were horrid, and some will say that you need a developed palate to appreciate them.

I think it's sometimes a ruse, i.e., if you can't fix it, feature it. :D
I have terrible wines that cost $40 a bottle, and great wines at $3 a bottle . . . in the end just drink what you like. Don't worry about wine snobs who refuse to drink anything under $50 a bottle.

Oh, and you can't go wrong with 3 buck chuck Chardonnay (Charles Shaw)