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Now whatcha gonna do?


Jesus of Cool, I'm bad, I'm nationwide
Nov 14, 2003
Well it turns out I'm gonna die - but not any time soon so you are stuck with me for the foreseeable future. While I don't have lung cancer there are other things going on that are treatable but not cureable and I'm going to leave it at that.

Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts, I really appreciated it.
I wish there were other emojis for this Ray. It's always hard to know what to say, but know that I'll be thinking/praying for you. As long as you stick around and we can see your ugly avatar a few times a week, we'll all be happy.

Attitude goes a long way, in this fight. Smoke 'em if you got 'em. Time to pull those old crusty cigars out or those old bottles out and enjoy them, if you haven't already.
Yeah, that is a "different" avatar for sure, but Ray, sure glad we know it is you, and we enjoy you being here. Keep them cards and letters coming brother.

And since no one has had the balls to ask, where the hell did you get that avatar? Is there a story behind it? Fess up brother.
Great news Ray! Hope you can come around here more, even though your sight, or the lack thereof make it not as much fun as it used to be.
Good and bad news, but we'll definitely take the good. Cheers to you, brother, and here's to the best of the years ahead.
Yeah, that is a "different" avatar for sure, but Ray, sure glad we know it is you, and we enjoy you being here. Keep them cards and letters coming brother.

And since no one has had the balls to ask, where the hell did you get that avatar? Is there a story behind it? Fess up brother.
I don't remember where I found my buddy. I like werewolves and thought he suited me.
Happy to hear you made a few steps forward Ray!

I know you know it, but we all love you and would benefit from your participation!
I wish there were other emojis for this Ray. It's always hard to know what to say, but know that I'll be thinking/praying for you. As long as you stick around and we can see your ugly avatar a few times a week, we'll all be happy.

Attitude goes a long way, in this fight. Smoke 'em if you got 'em. Time to pull those old crusty cigars out or those old bottles out and enjoy them, if you haven't already.
Summed up pretty much everything I was thinking.

As always, could be better/could be worse. Life is what you do with it while you've got it. Keeping you in my thoughts, Ray.
Glad to hear it's not cancer, sorry to hear there are other issues.
As others said, good and bad! Sorry to about the other health issues, but I love and respect the attitude. Live life to the fullest and make sure you find as happiness (or Santas Helpers) as you can!
Am I the only one that likes Ray's avatar? Either way, glad to hear there is some good news. Sad to hear there's also some bad news.
Lycanthropes heal incredibly well, I hear. 😉
All the best, brother.
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Ray not sure what to even say to this. Keep posting here. I personally would love to see more pics of your smoking and drinking adventures
I'm happy to hear it's not cancer. Hopefully the treatment of the other thing gives you as much time as you wish. Looking forward to seeing more posts from you.
Happy for the good news. Hope the other issues don't stop you from doing the things you enjoy doing most.
@AVB Here’s an idea, old man. Put on a pair of dark glasses, tunes into the vherf on Saturday nights, move yer head back and forth like Stevie Wonder, and we’ll promise to keep you entertained. Laughter cures the soul, and God knows, you show up like that and there’ll be laughter!!!

Thoughts and prayers sent yer way. I wish you the best.

Floyd T

PS: If we could get you and “One eyed” Brandon on at the same time, HOLY SHIT, it’d be epic!!! 😎🥃. Yup, I’m having a cocktail or three!