Ultra Runner
- Joined
- Mar 18, 2005
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Not-Your-Everyday-Cigar Pass
Hey Everyone! I’ve been hinting at this pass, and have been getting amped up all summer, waiting for some cooler weather to get this going, and the time is now perfect. To make a long story short, my wife is due to have our second boy in about 3 weeks, so I want to get this going and out the door before the big day. And since anyone who will be in this pass is already experienced, have been in at least one pass already, and is a very trusted BOTL, I shouldn’t have to worry too much about checking in three times a day to make sure it hasn’t fallen apart.
The starting line-up of cigars is below. As far as I’m concerned, these simply just are not everyday cigars for most of us. They are all things that I would save for something a little special, or at least wouldn’t be smoking while riding my John Deere. :sign: There will be 15 participants in this pass.
If you would like to participate in this pass, you must have completed at least one pass with flying colors. No hanging onto the pass for extra days for no reason, no questionable puts/takes, and certainly no deals gone bad associated to your name (unless you were the one that got screwed). I would prefer to have traded with you previously. Mostly, I want to be sure everyone involved has taken a look at the cigars below, and feel confident that they can play along. I don’t want the pass to get to you, and you have nothing worthy of trading. I haven’t set a time limit for membership here because there’s a few of you that I know would like to join that are great people but haven’t been around over a year. Bottom line, these are all very special cigars to me, and I’m not going to chance anything going wrong here. PM me your vitals if you’re interested.
I hope this will be a ton of fun and a good time will be had by all! I’ve certainly been looking forward to this, and I’m happy to be able to share some of these nicer cigars that I’ve collected over the last few years.
The Rules:
1. When you receive the pass, please do an inventory and make sure everything is there and numbered correctly.
2. Please inspect the box and packaging materials for proper cigar packing. Either post your concern or contact me directly.
3. Do not remove the cigars from their baggies unless they are part of your approved P&T’s.
4. Please post your proposed P&T’s in the forum for approval. If anyone has an issue with someone else's plays, please be polite about it and post your concerns in the forum.
5. P&T’s should be ISOM for ISOM, NC for NC, Premium for Premium and all should be value for value.
6. Please notify next person in line via a post in this thread prior to shipping to confirm they are ready.
7. Ship package via USPS and post the DC# in the forum.
8. Have fun!
Participants (this should be the order as well)
2JackStraw 01038555749834560224
3Ginseng 01038555749677303838
4ToneNY 01038555749687789592
5Rob300c 01038555749698275350
6Smokelaw1 01038555749808761118
7Grateful1 01038555749719246871
8Moki 01038555749729732630
9MattR 01038555749750704156
10ggiese 01038555749771675671
11OutlawD 01038555749771716565
12Infinity 01038555749792688087
13Cohibasurfer 01038555749803173847
14Norcalcigarlover 01038555749813659607
15Blue Dragon 01038555749813700507
16Swissy 01038555749824186260
Starting Line-up
1WOAM (2004)
2Hemi Classic Maduro
3Hemi Signature Maduro
4Anejo 77
5Forbidden X Tubed
6 2005 Reserve D’Chateau Tubed (From DVD set)
72005 God Of Fire Robusto
8Avo LE05
9Avo 22
10Avo 80
11 Graycliff Professional Corona
12Padron 1964 Torpedo Nat.
13Padron 1926 No. 35 Maduro
14 Padron 1926 No. 6 Nat
15Padron 1926 No. 9 Maduro
16Padron 1926 40th Maduro
17Davidoff 100th Diademas Finas
18Gonz Custom Rolled* Robusto Extra (isom)
19Montecristo No. 2 (2004)
20Trinidad Fundadores (2000)
21Cohiba Esplendido (Jun05)
22Cohiba Sublime EL 2004
23Ramon Allones Belicoso Finos
24RyJ Hermosos No. 2 EL 2004
25Montecristo C EL 2003
26FFOX Chili Pepper (from ‘05 Opus22 set)
27 FFOX SerieX X Square (X2) (from '05 Opus22 set)
28ESG (p: Hapalee t:JackStraw)
29Cohiba Sig VI Tubos (p: Hapalee t:MattR)
30Don Pepin Series JJ Sublime (p: Hapalee t:Swissy)
31Boris 11 (p: Hapalee t:grateful1)
32 2003 Toast Across America Set (p:JackStraw)
33 Diamond Crown Maddy #6 (p:JackStraw)
34 Casa Fuente Belicoso Fino (p:JackStraw)
35 Ashton VSG Belicoso #1. (p:JackStraw)
36Vegas Robaina Unicos 2005 (p:Ginseng t:ggiese)
37Montecristo D EL 2005 (p:Ginseng t:rob300c))
39 Cohiba Seleccion Reserva Robusto 2004 (p:Ginseng)
39H. Upmann Sir Winston 2001 (p:Ginseng)
40Partagás Serie D No.1 EL 2004 (p:Ginseng)
41Hoyo de Monterey Belicoso EL 2003 (p:tone-ny)
42 H. Upmann Mag50 EL 2005 (p:tone-ny)
43Taboada Sublime, LCDH TJ 2006 (p:tone-ny)
44 Johnny O Custom Roll Belicoso (p:tone-ny)
45 Cohiba Esplendido (p:rob300c)
46Ashton ESG (p:rob300c t:Moki)
47A. Fuente Untold Story Maduro (p:rob300c)
48 Ashton ESG (p:smokelaw1)
49Por Larranga Lonsdale (97 or 98) (p:smokelaw1)
50RyJ Churchill, 1999 (p:smokelaw1 t:MattR)
51Davidoff Double R, circa 2002-03 (p:smokelaw1)
52Davidoff Millenium Robusto (p:grateful1)
53 Taboado Double Robusto LCDH TJ 2006 (p:grateful1)
54 PSD3 EL 2006 (p:grateful1)
55 LFD Small Batch No.1 (2006)
56 LFD Factor Press II (2006)
57 Don Carlos Senior Blend Robusto (unreleased, 2003)
58 Opus X 952R (unreleased, c.1997)
59 Casa Fuente Robusto (2005)
60 Cuaba Diademas (2005???) (p:MattR)
61 AF Between the Lines ('97 or '98) - original release size (p:MattR)
62 H Upmann Monarch 2004 (p:MattR)
63G. De Graff Piramide 2006 (p:MattR)
64 Sancho Panza Sancho 1997 (p:MattR)
65SLR Double Corona (p:MattR)
66 Avo 80th (p:ggiese)
67Avo LE05 (p:ggiese)
68 Anejo 48 (p:ggiese)
69 Opus A in Coffin (p:ggiese)
70 CoRo ('04 I believe) (p:ggiese)
71 Cohiba Sublime EL ('03?) (p:ggiese)
72Cohiba Pyramid EL '01 (p:ggiese t:Infinity)
73 Partagas Series P #2 (10/05) (p:ggiese)
75LFD Outlaw (p:OutlawD t:Infinity)
76Stanfords Cameroon Churchill (p:OutlawD t:Infinity)
77LFD Factory Press I (p:OutlawD)
78 GOF Carlito Churchill (p:Infinity)
79Toboada Gold Medal 2006 (p:Infinity t:Swissy)
81Davidoff Diademas Finas 100th Anny (p:Infinity)
82 WOAM (p:Infinity)
83 COA Black Triangulares (original release) (p:cohibasurfer)
84 1964 PAM Diplimatico (p:cohibasurfer)
85Diamond Crown Maximus Stanfords 90th (p:cohibasurfer t:Swissy)
86 Perdomo Edicion de Silvio Salomon (p:cohibasurfer)
87 Padron 40th Maduro (no anni band/ pre-release) (p:cohibasurfer)
88 Cuaba Salomones JNL JUL04 (p:cohibasurfer)
89Punch Black Prince PUC JUN01 (p:cohibasurfer)
90 Taboada Piramide, LCDH TJ 2006 (p:NorCalCigarLover)
91 Montecristo D Edicion Limitada 2005 (p:NorCalCigarLover)
92Cohiba Robusto 2004 (p:NorCalCigarLover)
93 2005 FFOX Lancero Tubed (From DVD set) (p:Blue Dragon)
94 Padron 1964 Ann. Torpedo Natural (p:Blue Dragon)
95 La Aurora Preferidos Sapphire Tubed (p:Blue Dragon)
96 OpusX Reserva D'Chateau (p:Blue Dragon)
97 Trinidad Fundadore '04 (p:Blue Dragon)
98 JC Newman 110th Ann. Cuesta-Rey Perfecto (p:Blue Dragon)
99 AF Untold Story Maddie (p:Swissy)
100 Cuaba Millennium 2000 Distinguido (p:Swissy)
101 PAM "A" (p:Swissy)
102 AF Anejo #77 'Shark' (p:Swissy)
Hey Everyone! I’ve been hinting at this pass, and have been getting amped up all summer, waiting for some cooler weather to get this going, and the time is now perfect. To make a long story short, my wife is due to have our second boy in about 3 weeks, so I want to get this going and out the door before the big day. And since anyone who will be in this pass is already experienced, have been in at least one pass already, and is a very trusted BOTL, I shouldn’t have to worry too much about checking in three times a day to make sure it hasn’t fallen apart.
The starting line-up of cigars is below. As far as I’m concerned, these simply just are not everyday cigars for most of us. They are all things that I would save for something a little special, or at least wouldn’t be smoking while riding my John Deere. :sign: There will be 15 participants in this pass.
If you would like to participate in this pass, you must have completed at least one pass with flying colors. No hanging onto the pass for extra days for no reason, no questionable puts/takes, and certainly no deals gone bad associated to your name (unless you were the one that got screwed). I would prefer to have traded with you previously. Mostly, I want to be sure everyone involved has taken a look at the cigars below, and feel confident that they can play along. I don’t want the pass to get to you, and you have nothing worthy of trading. I haven’t set a time limit for membership here because there’s a few of you that I know would like to join that are great people but haven’t been around over a year. Bottom line, these are all very special cigars to me, and I’m not going to chance anything going wrong here. PM me your vitals if you’re interested.
I hope this will be a ton of fun and a good time will be had by all! I’ve certainly been looking forward to this, and I’m happy to be able to share some of these nicer cigars that I’ve collected over the last few years.
The Rules:
1. When you receive the pass, please do an inventory and make sure everything is there and numbered correctly.
2. Please inspect the box and packaging materials for proper cigar packing. Either post your concern or contact me directly.
3. Do not remove the cigars from their baggies unless they are part of your approved P&T’s.
4. Please post your proposed P&T’s in the forum for approval. If anyone has an issue with someone else's plays, please be polite about it and post your concerns in the forum.
5. P&T’s should be ISOM for ISOM, NC for NC, Premium for Premium and all should be value for value.
6. Please notify next person in line via a post in this thread prior to shipping to confirm they are ready.
7. Ship package via USPS and post the DC# in the forum.
8. Have fun!
Participants (this should be the order as well)
Starting Line-up
6 2005 Reserve D’Chateau Tubed (From DVD set)
11 Graycliff Professional Corona
14 Padron 1926 No. 6 Nat
27 FFOX SerieX X Square (X2) (from '05 Opus22 set)
32 2003 Toast Across America Set (p:JackStraw)
33 Diamond Crown Maddy #6 (p:JackStraw)
34 Casa Fuente Belicoso Fino (p:JackStraw)
35 Ashton VSG Belicoso #1. (p:JackStraw)
39 Cohiba Seleccion Reserva Robusto 2004 (p:Ginseng)
42 H. Upmann Mag50 EL 2005 (p:tone-ny)
44 Johnny O Custom Roll Belicoso (p:tone-ny)
45 Cohiba Esplendido (p:rob300c)
48 Ashton ESG (p:smokelaw1)
53 Taboado Double Robusto LCDH TJ 2006 (p:grateful1)
54 PSD3 EL 2006 (p:grateful1)
55 LFD Small Batch No.1 (2006)
56 LFD Factor Press II (2006)
58 Opus X 952R (unreleased, c.1997)
59 Casa Fuente Robusto (2005)
60 Cuaba Diademas (2005???) (p:MattR)
61 AF Between the Lines ('97 or '98) - original release size (p:MattR)
62 H Upmann Monarch 2004 (p:MattR)
64 Sancho Panza Sancho 1997 (p:MattR)
66 Avo 80th (p:ggiese)
68 Anejo 48 (p:ggiese)
69 Opus A in Coffin (p:ggiese)
70 CoRo ('04 I believe) (p:ggiese)
71 Cohiba Sublime EL ('03?) (p:ggiese)
73 Partagas Series P #2 (10/05) (p:ggiese)
78 GOF Carlito Churchill (p:Infinity)
82 WOAM (p:Infinity)
83 COA Black Triangulares (original release) (p:cohibasurfer)
84 1964 PAM Diplimatico (p:cohibasurfer)
86 Perdomo Edicion de Silvio Salomon (p:cohibasurfer)
87 Padron 40th Maduro (no anni band/ pre-release) (p:cohibasurfer)
88 Cuaba Salomones JNL JUL04 (p:cohibasurfer)
90 Taboada Piramide, LCDH TJ 2006 (p:NorCalCigarLover)
91 Montecristo D Edicion Limitada 2005 (p:NorCalCigarLover)
93 2005 FFOX Lancero Tubed (From DVD set) (p:Blue Dragon)
94 Padron 1964 Ann. Torpedo Natural (p:Blue Dragon)
95 La Aurora Preferidos Sapphire Tubed (p:Blue Dragon)
96 OpusX Reserva D'Chateau (p:Blue Dragon)
97 Trinidad Fundadore '04 (p:Blue Dragon)
98 JC Newman 110th Ann. Cuesta-Rey Perfecto (p:Blue Dragon)
99 AF Untold Story Maddie (p:Swissy)
100 Cuaba Millennium 2000 Distinguido (p:Swissy)
101 PAM "A" (p:Swissy)
102 AF Anejo #77 'Shark' (p:Swissy)