Well, I decided to try to get a better ash stand on the Inmenso. The first one was pretty good.. especially the burnt band. But I knew a better one come be done. I was determined

. So I started tonight, and got a damn good ash brewing. I decided to de-band, in order to be able to get a better looking stand... after all, the band burn credit was accomplished in my first go. All was good to go, with a hell of a stand coming up. Then my fingers started to burn a bit. So I decided to try and use a toothpick (something many of you must of seen from the Schlesinger's Mini-herf thread, and several of you in person :laugh: ). Then it flipped around on me!! :0 :angry: :angry: Let me tell you, the ash which landed on my carpet may just of well had needed a shovel... I meand DAMN. But without a shovel at hand, and reasonable belief that this would be pretty hard to clean.. I just rubbed it into the carpet (it's old, and the cleaning lady will vacuum it up this week anyway :laugh: ).
Being distraught over my accidental failure, yet still determined,, I decided to go again. This time I put the burning pain of my finger tips out of my mind, and pushed on.
So gentlemen,
I actually didn't try for a little more, because I could feel the wrapper slipping away from the the binder/filler.. as you can probably see from the pic. Also, you can see the Inmenso band from my fallen friend, as well as the stand-er next to it. I must once again say that these both tasted QUITE AWFUL after the halfway point... yet better without having to smoke the band( YUK!)
I also must say that I am still rather impressed with the construction of these things. :0
P.S. While I was going through my digi-camera for the ash pic, I remember the pic of me meeting Shaq. HUGE dude, BTW! :laugh: And I'm not holding his hand! :laugh:
Edited b/c I forgot the Shaq pic.