Not a rewiew! But a shot at Joey's Cigars

The first 5 NEWBIE members to Cigar Pass with at least 75 posts, that post HERE (on this thread), IN GOOD STANDING with a TRADE or A SENIOR MEMBER OF CP can VOUCH for them will

get a FREE 5pk of Angelenos Toro from me.

This is what CIGAR PASS is about, not the other way around!

Please post who the trade was with. I will be doing a little checking.

If both parties in the trade would like to post please do.

Get to posting!!!!

Mark Just
Tower Pipes & Cigars, Inc.

I recently completed a purchase/transaction with elderboy02... does this count? I am editing this because I almost forgot that I also participated in the Newbie Sampler Trade with Niko some time early in '09, although this also ended up in a purchase, not a trade...

Edited to Add dealings with Niko

I don't want to hold things up for you with this. How bout we give it a couple more hours, and if somebody doesn't jump in here, I'll gladly take your smokes... :thumbs:

You bet!


Well I tried... :laugh: Thanks for your generosity Mark. Can't wait to try these. :thumbs:

Klipsch IS #5!

Your cigars will go out Monday.

PM me your info just so I have it.

I am sure I do, but just in case.


The first 5 NEWBIE members to Cigar Pass with at least 75 posts, that post HERE (on this thread), IN GOOD STANDING with a TRADE or A SENIOR MEMBER OF CP can VOUCH for them will

get a FREE 5pk of Angelenos Toro from me.

This is what CIGAR PASS is about, not the other way around!

Please post who the trade was with. I will be doing a little checking.

If both parties in the trade would like to post please do.

Get to posting!!!!

Mark Just
Tower Pipes & Cigars, Inc.

I recently completed a purchase/transaction with elderboy02... does this count? I am editing this because I almost forgot that I also participated in the Newbie Sampler Trade with Niko some time early in '09, although this also ended up in a purchase, not a trade...

Edited to Add dealings with Niko

Ok one more

WyoSmoke is #6

PM me your info and I'll get a 5pk out to you monday.


Ok guys,

We ended up with six.

Thank you to all that replied.

Klipsch and WyoSmoke, your cigars will go out Monday.

Possible tuesday. I have a funeral to attend to Monday
I think I qualify....I have traded with Niko (Newbie sampler trade), and I have also completed a blind 5er trade with Jeff1101. I also have participated in the Wine/Liquor PIF.

If I do qualify, I will even take the trek up to Sac and pick them up from you in person!

We have #4


Which ever your prefer.

Coming to the shop or I can send them to you today.

Let me know. PM me you info if you want them sent.


Sticks came today! They look great, can't wait to try them. Hoping that I will be able to get up there soon and purchase some goodies from you!!!
Walter and Michael

Your cigars are going out today.

I don't have your DC#'s with me at this time.

I will post them tomorrow morning.

Cigars are waiting at home for me! Thanks again brother I can't wait to get my hands on them.
Got mine today too Mark. They look fantastic! Cannot wait to get one lit up. Thanks again Mark.
I completed a newb trade with stepthirteen and a blind fiver with donzz. If either of these qualify...I'd like the fiver to go to the first newb that quotes this post, regardless of whether they have completed a trade or not yet. Of course this is subject to Mark's approval first.

Don't know if I made the cut but I figured I'd honor Klipsch's wish and quote him! Regardless of if I make the cut- thanks for a great offer Mark.


I got the package today, so thank you. I am looking forward to trying these!

I completed a newb trade with stepthirteen and a blind fiver with donzz. If either of these qualify...I'd like the fiver to go to the first newb that quotes this post, regardless of whether they have completed a trade or not yet. Of course this is subject to Mark's approval first.

Don't know if I made the cut but I figured I'd honor Klipsch's wish and quote him! Regardless of if I make the cut- thanks for a great offer Mark.




It was my decision to wrap up the offer I made above, that same day. I didn't want to hold up Mark's generosity. But if you shoot me your address...I'll be sure to get something off to you. :)
Michael - WyoSmoke DC# 9405 5036 9930 0201 3155 20

Walter - Klipsch DC# 9405 5036 9930 0201 3154 90

Enjoy Guys
Why do I always see this stuff 2 weeks after? lol

Nice offer!!
Sticks showed today Mark. Can't wait to try one. Thanks for your generosity! :thumbs:
Smokes arrived today Mark. Although the box was beaten ??? , they showed up in perfect condition. :D Thanks brother!! :thumbs:

Thanks Again, Mike
Well, as antsy as I am, I dove into one of these last night. The flavor profile was like nothing I had smoked before and I actually couldn't place part of it. The cinnamon and ginger were prominent through about the first third of the cigar, but there was another flavor that I wasn't able to place. I looked the profile up for these and found that the taste was just as they said it would be. Eggnog!! It's been a very long time since I've had any eggnog so the flavor of it was not something that I could recall. The smoke then gave way to some leather and black pepper throughout most of the rest of the cigar. Pepper came out starting into the second third of the smoke and the leather I found didn't actually start until about halfway through the smoke.

Name: Angelenos Toro
Ring Gauge: 50
Length: 6 inches

The cigar showed very good construction with no real problem veins showing. I punched this first one and prelight draw was tight with a slight hint of ginger. The draw on this smoke was very tight at first after light up, but opened up about a third in. Cigar held a firm white ash that didn't even fall apart in the ashtray. All in all a very good smoke IMHO, I think I will give the other four some rest and find out how they are after a few months/years in the humi. I also think that the Lonsdale may be a stick that I would enjoy just that much more as I am someone that enjoys the flavor of jalapeno and spicy foods. Thanks again Mark for some great sticks!!

Happy smoking gents!! Mike

Edited for More Info: This is my first try at a review, so I hope I did okay....