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Nice. Nice. Nice. PUKE!

I admit that sometimes when I'm working in my basement, I'll keep an Acid Blondie, CAO Moonie, or Eileen's Dream petit corona in my mouth just to chew and suck on to fulfill my oral fixation, but DAYAM. These Ramrods are too much for me. They are well and truly the most disgusting tobacco sticks I've ever, EVER encountered.

Josh, you are a truly wicked, evil, and sadistic individual.


I think I may have found a new quote for my sig. :D

Nice job guys, good target to hit :thumbs:

It was bad enough that jfields and cody5thou ganged up to deliver a one-two of epic proportions. Then hoshnasi drops the ultimate Jekyll-Hyde bomb (literally!). In one bag, tasty morsels fit for the most decadent of tastes. On the other hand...

in the other bag...

THE most vile and disgusting horror ever crafted with the innocent tobacco leaf.

I've smoked all manner of flavored cigars: CAO Flavors, Lars Tetens, Drew Acids, White Owls, Backwoods, etc. but nothing, nothing has come close to being as vile, repugnant, revolting, and chunderworthy as these...



Nail polish. NAIL POLISH! That is what these things smell like. God help me, nail polish. That's acetone, ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, and pthalates to the chemists in the house.

The reek is so potent that while holding one between my teeth, I could feel myself getting light headed. You could almost see the chemical vapors dripping off of these gnarled, disgusting turds. Were these yanked fresh and steaming from the butthole of a skid row alky? Quite possible.

These things do NOT smell like any liquor I've ever encountered and certainly not bourbon. If AVB ever received any of these abominations, he'd die from the shock, for sure.

I admit that sometimes when I'm working in my basement, I'll keep an Acid Blondie, CAO Moonie, or Eileen's Dream petit corona in my mouth just to chew and suck on to fulfill my oral fixation, but DAYAM. These Ramrods are too much for me. They are well and truly the most disgusting tobacco sticks I've ever, EVER encountered.

Josh, you are a truly wicked, evil, and sadistic individual.


Can't wait for the review, Wilks!!
Well I smoked one today. Or should I say, I tried. While the unlit aroma was the most repulsive and off-putting of any cigar/cheroot-like object I've ever encountered, the drawn smoke was slightly less offensive. The oily smoke coated the tongue with the strange and chemically knock-off bourbon flavoring. I had trouble keeping it lit and only managed to smoke an inch it was that bad tasting.

I can now say that I'd rather smoke just about anything else than these things. Curiously, if you concentrated on the tobacco flavor, it wasn't bad at all. Maybe I've got to go find some unflavored Toscani.

The tongue taste was so strong and lingering that I had to burn it off with a LFD Lancero. :D

Well I smoked one today. Or should I say, I tried. While the unlit aroma was the most repulsive and off-putting of any cigar/cheroot-like object I've ever encountered, the drawn smoke was slightly less offensive. The oily smoke coated the tongue with the strange and chemically knock-off bourbon flavoring. I had trouble keeping it lit and only managed to smoke an inch it was that bad tasting.

I can now say that I'd rather smoke just about anything else than these things. Curiously, if you concentrated on the tobacco flavor, it wasn't bad at all. Maybe I've got to go find some unflavored Toscani.

The tongue taste was so strong and lingering that I had to burn it off with a LFD Lancero. :D


Well I didn't expect anyone to smoke these. With that said, it pretty cool you gave it a shot! You're a brave one!
Well I smoked one today. Or should I say, I tried. While the unlit aroma was the most repulsive and off-putting of any cigar/cheroot-like object I've ever encountered, the drawn smoke was slightly less offensive. The oily smoke coated the tongue with the strange and chemically knock-off bourbon flavoring. I had trouble keeping it lit and only managed to smoke an inch it was that bad tasting.

I can now say that I'd rather smoke just about anything else than these things. Curiously, if you concentrated on the tobacco flavor, it wasn't bad at all. Maybe I've got to go find some unflavored Toscani.

The tongue taste was so strong and lingering that I had to burn it off with a LFD Lancero. :D


Yeah, and you prolly get your salza in Neeeuuuw Yorg Ciiidddy!