I wish it was only that simple. They also have Datsyuk, Zetterberg, Franzen, and not to mention the best goalie-screener in the league in Holmstrom. Bah!
True, but Holmstrom is on his back nine (or probably back 3 even) as his back hasn't held up well. While the big three are a powerful combo, they don't really compliment each other well, and I pick Lidstrom out because he still is the director of one of the sharpest power play units in the game
I was at the Pond (I refuse to call it the Honda Center) on Sunday and watched the Wings beat the Ducks.
I have always been a Lidstrom fan, and I love the Professor, but after what I've seen this season, I'm beginning to wonder if there isn't the need for new younger blood in his position? While playing the Ducks, I saw red/white surrounded by black/gold, every which way the Wings skated. It was insanity. Also of note, the Wings would start out the period on fire, but right around the 14-11 minute mark they'd just absolutely lose all momentum on their line changes and defense was letting breakaway after breakaway occur.
Jimmy is a wall as a net minder, but the defense needs to help him out once in a while. He's good, but he ain't god.
I was thrilled to finally see the Red Wings beat the Ducks on their home ice after two years, but I am positive my next trip will be to the Staples Center to see them go up against the Kings. The atmosphere at the Ducks game was horrIbly disrespectful, obnoxious, and drunk. I know it ain't church, but the last four games I've been to the crowd always breaks out into some "Red Wings suck!" chant even when they are winning. I almost got into a fight on the staircase going down with a pissed off Ducks fan who called my Red Wings clad girlfriend a "stupid fucking bitch" for no reason other than his team lost. Fuck that.
Also, congrats on getting Sid back.