I'm done with the NFL. It's just not fun to watch anymore.

After seeing the hit on Austin Collie on Sunday, I thought he was dead. I don't enjoy sitting down to watch a football game and have that type of stuff come to mind and it is happening more and more.
I know, I know, the chance has always been there. It just seems to me that the brutality of the game has intensified exponentially over the last few years. Football always appealed to me because there was a toughness (both physical and mental) required to play the game well. That toughness has been usurped by a savage viciousness and a tendency towards inhumanity.
I'm not sure half the players have the mental capacity to recognize the true danger to which they are exposing themselves anymore.
Maybe I'm just going soft, but it just doesn't appeal to me at all anymore. I guess I can still go to HS games to get my football fix...for now.