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Next Question: Favorite Lighter

Blazer PB207.   Had it for almost a decade, and it's just now starting to show it's age.
CMontoya79 said:
This, they last a lifetime!
diapanos said:
Definitely my Xikar triple flame tabletop lighter.
Ditto.  Only problem is that it ends up falling out of my shirt pocket at work and falls a few stories.  Thank god for lifetime warranties.  
Still don't have a "fav".  They all seem to do the job, but everyone I've ever had, had its own shortcomings.
My old, green Zippo with the shamrock on it.  I would use the black can fluid and never had any off-kilter tastes from it.  Those fuckers from TSA stole it from my checked baggage when we moved from Germany to Hawaii last year.  
I need to get a good lighter, for sure.  Probably pick up a Xikar lighter now that getting good fluid is available for it easily.  
The Black Cloud said:
Blazer PB207.   Had it for almost a decade, and it's just now starting to show it's age.
x2. Best lighter I've ever bought.
My only problem is I seem to lose them after a year or two :( When I'm outside at home, I actually use a propane brazing torch. It's too big to lose :)
I ended up going w the Scorch Torch for 8.95.   Working well so far.  If I can manage to not lose it in 6 months I'll upgrade to something nicer.
well, the lighter I use the most is Jetline triple bought on cigarbid cheaply.
They always work, triple flame always lights, they are not fancy they just work.
Cheap too, particularly on auction.
I've got more than a couple of more expensive lighters that I like. And work well.
I always find myself reaching for the jetline. They just work, and work well.
Lately it has been the Xikar triple flame Allume that I keep in the car. Yesterday, after sitting in the 90 degree sun all day, in addition to my favorite lighter it became my favorite perfectly sized branding iron for my hand.
A while back I switched to the Z-plus torch, zippo insert.  It's small, works every time, and gives you the feel that comes with using a zippo.  I bought 2 of these, and they've been rock solid for years.  And you can always swap it back out, for normal zippo'ing.
I used a couple Blazers, for me though, they stop working after too long.  Maybe I'm not keeping them clean?  But I'm doing everything as instructed, weird.
kann said:
My old, green Zippo with the shamrock on it.  I would use the black can fluid and never had any off-kilter tastes from it.  Those fuckers from TSA stole it from my checked baggage when we moved from Germany to Hawaii last year.  
I need to get a good lighter, for sure.  Probably pick up a Xikar lighter now that getting good fluid is available for it easily.
I have a question about this. I've been using the 'light before cut' (LBC) method for the past few months with great results. The zippo soft flame is one of the best soft flame profiles out there, with the added advantage of being cheap, stylish, and able to remain lit almost indefinitely without heating up. It seems to me that using the low residue fuel combined with the burn off at the end of the LBC method ought
to prevent volatile organic residues from contaminating the innards of the cigar -- theoretically.

Anyone have an opinion on this? The only thing holding me back from trying it is that I don't currently have a zippo.
I found this comment when researching the issue just now:

Make your own fuel!

If you're smoking cigars I recommend something like Cognac. I usually mix it with something like a little everclear to get the spark to light it better. I keep it in a small 2oz to 4oz bottle with squeeze top for easy refill. (And so you can enjoy the rest of the Cognac with the cigar)

The flame is a lot more blue and looks really cool. It really makes the cigar taste so much better, real Cognac through out the cigar, mmmm! No matches ever again!!
That sounds kind of dangerous, but interesting.
Juanote said:
I found this comment when researching the issue just now:
Make your own fuel!

If you're smoking cigars I recommend something like Cognac. I usually mix it with something like a little everclear to get the spark to light it better. I keep it in a small 2oz to 4oz bottle with squeeze top for easy refill. (And so you can enjoy the rest of the Cognac with the cigar)

The flame is a lot more blue and looks really cool. It really makes the cigar taste so much better, real Cognac through out the cigar, mmmm! No matches ever again!!
That sounds kind of dangerous, but interesting.
Haha! If you have really bland cigars, it might help some... Of course I would hate to spill it while it was lit... :blush:
Yeah exactly, I might not light a premium that way (then again... I might), but it could jazz up a daily smoker.