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More FOG mailboxes go POOF!

420 80015 9101 0385 5574 9016 0028 59
420 76180 9101 0385 5574 9110 4155 79

Seth :laugh:

62 69 67 20 6e 75 6d 62 65 72 73 20 66 6f 72 20 73 75 63 68 20 6c 69 74 74 6c 65 20 62 6f 78 65 73 21

What are those numbers? The MAC address to a couple computers? You want to get hacked to you can claim you can't post anymore?


This line just screams - NOOBIE!!!

Go ask your commander:


---------------Huey ------- Dewey ------ Louie-------------

You could at least spell my name right

Geesh - I give you the commanders role, even though you guys present as a clusterfuc&....now you want your name spelled properly.

Is that better now!

These are dangerous times, better get into your bomb shelters FOG’s the Newbie’s are starting to attack.


These are dangerous times, better get into your bomb shelters FOG's the Newbie's are starting to attack.



It only took you 10 minutes to post that...did the 'carrot' sign get you confused? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Here...see if you can tell the difference:

These are dangerous times, better get into your bomb shelters FOG’s the Newbie’s are starting to attack.


Are those home grown carrots? :laugh: Yeah, the ^ sign is hard to find, I had a nock at the door. :whistling: I am glad you keep track of my time.
Maybe you could get some jersey's, if you can't afford that we can be shirts and you can be skins.
This one is on the way, Nope its not in the frig.

0307 0020 0003 1629 ****

More FOG mailboxes go POOF!

420 80015 9101 0385 5574 9016 0028 59
420 76180 9101 0385 5574 9110 4155 79

Seth :laugh:

62 69 67 20 6e 75 6d 62 65 72 73 20 66 6f 72 20 73 75 63 68 20 6c 69 74 74 6c 65 20 62 6f 78 65 73 21

What are those numbers? The MAC address to a couple computers? You want to get hacked to you can claim you can't post anymore?


This line just screams - NOOBIE!!!

Go ask your commander:


---------------Huey ------- Dewey ------ Louie-------------

You could at least spell my name right

Geesh - I give you the commanders role, even though you guys present as a clusterfuc&....now you want your name spelled properly.

Is that better now!


Whatever you say tweener....(wannabe FOG but not quite) :sign: