Spongy, if you would like respect, then at least make an effort to respect the way things are done here and try to post in an articulate and professional manner. That includes using the shift key, which you were already asked to do earlier. This isn't High School and we are not text messaging our teenage friends.
Is this a rule or a personal preference? I have seen no where in Rod's list of one sided rules where this is listed.
Spongy, if you would like respect, then at least make an effort to respect the way things are done here and try to post in an articulate and professional manner. That includes using the shift key, which you were already asked to do earlier. This isn't High School and we are not text messaging our teenage friends.
Is this a rule or a personal preference? I have seen no where in Rod's list of one sided rules where this is listed.
If you were an active "member" you would be more familiar with the way we do things around here.
Spongy, if you would like respect, then at least make an effort to respect the way things are done here and try to post in an articulate and professional manner. That includes using the shift key, which you were already asked to do earlier. This isn't High School and we are not text messaging our teenage friends.
Is this a rule or a personal preference? I have seen no where in Rod's list of one sided rules where this is listed.
If you were an active "member" you would be more familiar with the way we do things around here.
More need for the secret decoder ring I am guessing. Once again, I find no definaition of an "active" member. Posting is what is required? Please explain.
If you dont state what is expected in the beginning, then it stands to reason that you are just setting a new member up for failure. Unless you enjoy bashing a new member that much, why not openly list what is required.
As is aparent, I have no issue with grammar, spelling, or capitalization(granted one or two may slip). Just trying to lean "the way we do things around here".
Let's see, an active member is someone that integrates themselves into the community through active participation (posting, trading, passes, bombing, etc.) and not just deciding to come in here to post when one of your buddies from another forum is being "handled". Seems to me, that's the only reason you're here right, POLECAT WRANGLER? :sign: :sign: :sign:More need for the secret decoder ring I am guessing. Once again, I find no definaition of an "active" member. Posting is what is required? Please explain.
If you dont state what is expected in the beginning, then it stands to reason that you are just setting a new member up for failure. Unless you enjoy bashing a new member that much, why not openly list what is required.
As is aparent, I have no issue with grammar, spelling, or capitalization(granted one or two may slip). Just trying to lean "the way we do things around here".
Spongy, if you would like respect, then at least make an effort to respect the way things are done here and try to post in an articulate and professional manner. That includes using the shift key, which you were already asked to do earlier. This isn't High School and we are not text messaging our teenage friends.
Is this a rule or a personal preference? I have seen no where in Rod's list of one sided rules where this is listed.
If you were an active "member" you would be more familiar with the way we do things around here.
More need for the secret decoder ring I am guessing. Once again, I find no definition of an "active" member. Posting is what is required? Please explain.
If you don't state what is expected in the beginning, then it stands to reason that you are just setting a new member up for failure. Unless you enjoy bashing a new member that much, why not openly list what is required.
As is a parent, I have no issue with grammar, spelling, or capitalization(granted one or two may slip). Just trying to lean "the way we do things around here".
Is this a rule or a personal preference? I have seen no where in Rod's list of one sided rules where this is listed.
Posting is what is required? Please explain.
Let's see, an active member is someone that integrates themselves into the community through active participation (posting, trading, passes, bombing, etc.) and not just deciding to come in here to post when one of your buddies from another forum is being "handled". Seems to me, that's the only reason you're here right, POLECAT WRANGLER? :sign: :sign: :sign:More need for the secret decoder ring I am guessing. Once again, I find no definaition of an "active" member. Posting is what is required? Please explain.
If you dont state what is expected in the beginning, then it stands to reason that you are just setting a new member up for failure. Unless you enjoy bashing a new member that much, why not openly list what is required.
As is aparent, I have no issue with grammar, spelling, or capitalization(granted one or two may slip). Just trying to lean "the way we do things around here".
If you call CS home, then why are you here in our home questioning the reasons behind what one of our members says on our board. If you don't like it, go back to the board you call home!Mr. SmokeLaw, I do appreciate your professional courtesy with posing your question. Tmone, same to you. I was beating around the bush, trying to grasp a full understanding of exactly how the rules wee inforced here. I NEVER demanded anything, I simply posed a question to a series of posts that didnt seem right to me.
The straight shit:
CC on many, many occasions here talked badly about Clubstogie, its members, and its owner.(I would link,but I think you know the posts) The "unstated rule" is that trash from other boards, stays on other boards. Yet over and over, it keeps being posted from him. This seems to stem from a run in with a few members from other boards(CS as well as the others). Any time CS is mentioned(I dont know about the others) he starts ranting about the ignorance that surrounds that site. My question is, why is this tolerrated? Is it because he is a long standing member? Hence my questions about how the rules might be being bent. Again, not demanding anything. I saw something that didnt add up and started searching for answers.
Mr. SmokeLaw, I do appreciate your professional courtesy with posing your question. Tmone, same to you. I was beating around the bush, trying to grasp a full understanding of exactly how the rules wee inforced here. I NEVER demanded anything, I simply posed a question to a series of posts that didnt seem right to me.
The straight shit:
CC on many, many occasions here talked badly about Clubstogie, its members, and its owner.(I would link,but I think you know the posts) The "unstated rule" is that trash from other boards, stays on other boards. Yet over and over, it keeps being posted from him. This seems to stem from a run in with a few members from other boards(CS as well as the others). Any time CS is mentioned(I dont know about the others) he starts ranting about the ignorance that surrounds that site. My question is, why is this tolerrated? Is it because he is a long standing member? Hence my questions about how the rules might be being bent. Again, not demanding anything. I saw something that didnt add up and started searching for answers.
Mr. SmokeLaw, I do appreciate your professional courtesy with posing your question. Tmone, same to you. I was beating around the bush, trying to grasp a full understanding of exactly how the rules wee inforced here. I NEVER demanded anything, I simply posed a question to a series of posts that didnt seem right to me.
The straight shit:
CC on many, many occasions here talked badly about Clubstogie, its members, and its owner.(I would link,but I think you know the posts) The "unstated rule" is that trash from other boards, stays on other boards. Yet over and over, it keeps being posted from him. This seems to stem from a run in with a few members from other boards(CS as well as the others). Any time CS is mentioned(I dont know about the others) he starts ranting about the ignorance that surrounds that site. My question is, why is this tolerrated? Is it because he is a long standing member? Hence my questions about how the rules might be being bent. Again, not demanding anything. I saw something that didnt add up and started searching for answers.
sorry, rod. as i said, i didn't want to start anything over here.Spongy, aka "all-time blunt jackass";
To come FROM another board (Club Stogie) and to post HERE at CP sure takes some balls. If you have a problem with Bill, maybe you should un-ban him and settle it at Club Stogie rather than at CigarPass. We're more civilized than to get into multi-board flame fests. Bottom line is GotaCohiba is a mooch, plain and simple. You guys "moderate" how you choose, and we'll self-police ourselves as we see fit.
I don't think PDS would be too proud to see one of his own moderators at another board starting trouble. Sure doesn't place a good reflection upon Club Stogie.
I have nothing against the owner of Club Stogie nor do I have anything against the way they run their community. I do have a problem with their moderators coming to CigarPass to do nothing but bash our members. If there are any other Club Stogie members who wish to come out of the woodwork and start trouble, I advise against it...
i'm a member of this board as well, so i don't see why i can't come here and make a post. i know this is your place, and i'm sure you may be a member of other places, or at least have been, like the majority of ppl around here.
my only problem with bill is his continued doggin on anyone that also posts on clubstogie. there's no reason for dogging on everyone he can that happens to be a member of both boards - what's the point? we all get it that he doesn't like clubstogie, so let it go already. don't hold what he doesnt' like about that board against other members who had nothing to do with what happened to him in the past.
as far as pds not liking a moderator coming over here to start shit, i didn't come here to start shit, and i'm my own man. just as if someone was dogging on you, or your board and how it's run, i'm sure someone would probably point it out to you (or a moderator in this instance).
you say you have an issue with someone "bashing" one of your members (then why do you continue to let CC86 do it right in this very thread?), but i don't feel i bashed anyone, i was trying to set the record straight. if it came off like i was bashing, not my intentions. i don't like "cross-board" issues in the least bit either.
having just re-read my post, i guess the line of "grow up" could be seen as bashing, the rest is not.
the 'blunt jackass' part is tongue in cheek. i talk/type bluntly, but there's no venom in my words.
sorry, but to hear that bill is bashing one of our members (who's also a member here) just because he's a member of clubstogie, and then to continually bash another board just because he was banned, it's assinine, he needs to get over it. i'm sure you can see where i'm coming from. at least, i hope you can. you don't want anyone bashing your board, or your board members for something you did, do you?
i guess all i'm asking for is a little respect when you come home, just a little bit.
R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me.
seriously. is there a reason for one of your members to continually bash on another board and its members (who happen to be members here as well) while on YOUR board? everyone i talk to says this is a great board, i'm sure you take pride in all your work making this a great place. i take pride in the board i lend a hand in moderating, some may not agree with how a couple things are done (like changing that guys public address, which was done for his own good so nobody would send him all kinds of crap).
felt you deserved a response, rod. i didn't come here to start any trouble, my post wasn't bashing on bill, rather pointing some things out (no matter what CS does, he's never going to stop bashing them, or its members when given a chance).
Now that is a LIE Greg, please provide evidence to back that one up. As I have said MANY times before, my problem is WITH THE SITE OWNER pds oh yeah and the "mods" like you who carry his water for him and do his dirty work.my only problem with bill is his continued doggin on anyone that also posts on clubstogie.
Once again, your failure to comprehend simple facts never ceases to amaze me.don't hold what he doesnt' like about that board against other members
Really now! You're going to have a heck of a time convincing ANYONE of that. :laugh:i didn't come here to start shit,
Once again Greg, I think you're lying. :angry:that bill is bashing one of our members (who's also a member here) just because he's a member of clubstogie,
Let's feed this through the bullshit translator:i didn't come here to start any trouble, my post wasn't bashing on bill, rather pointing some things out (no matter what CS does, he's never going to stop bashing them, or its members when given a chance).
"neener, neener, Bill's an asshole and I'm only acting like one because he's an asshole."
Mr. SmokeLaw, I do appreciate your professional courtesy with posing your question. Tmone, same to you. I was beating around the bush, trying to grasp a full understanding of exactly how the rules wee inforced here. I NEVER demanded anything, I simply posed a question to a series of posts that didnt seem right to me.
The straight shit:
CC on many, many occasions here talked badly about Clubstogie, its members, and its owner.(I would link,but I think you know the posts) The "unstated rule" is that trash from other boards, stays on other boards. Yet over and over, it keeps being posted from him. This seems to stem from a run in with a few members from other boards(CS as well as the others). Any time CS is mentioned(I dont know about the others) he starts ranting about the ignorance that surrounds that site. My question is, why is this tolerrated? Is it because he is a long standing member? Hence my questions about how the rules might be being bent. Again, not demanding anything. I saw something that didnt add up and started searching for answers.
"Searching for answers" yeah, right! :laugh: You have over 3000 posts over at BananaLand and what, 38 here? ??? Just man up and admit that you got caught RED HANDED trolling. Trying to lie your way out of it (like Greg) isn't doing you any favors and I see you're using the time-honored tactic of trying to deflect that fact that you've been caught being a troll by trying to direct the attention back on me by attacking me.I have no idea why BananaLand does what it does. Probably has something to do with the complete asshat that owns the board.
Maybe you should take your issues up with them?
Oh right, that might be kinda tough. :thumbs:
Post #95 is case in point. I counted five times he point blank used numerous explatives and derogatory comments when responding directly to "Spongy". That was in violation of CP Policies # 1-3 in one post.
If you call CS home, then why are you here in our home questioning the reasons behind what one of our members says on our board. If you don't like it, go back to the board you call home!
Post #95 is case in point. I counted five times he point blank used numerous explatives and derogatory comments when responding directly to "Spongy". That was in violation of CP Policies # 1-3 in one post.