Santa ! You S.O.B... I thought you enjoyed those magic brownies I left you this year ? Well, was I mistaken.
Apparently you did not enjoy them since you sent a
bomb to my door step today. I thought we were pals Santa? I even let you slip it to the Mrs. this year as a thank you for all the kind things you have done for me the past 28 yrs. This is the thanks I get ? Some friend you are Santa, you crotchety old F*ck !
Thought you were so clever putting my boy Paul's name down for the return address...I knew something was up right away. Ya see, Paul doesn't do "click-n-ship" labels- he scribbles on boxes!

I tracked the DC number to
Novato, CA. I know for a fact that's your favorite place to visit during your 364 day vacation. Who else would want to be there playing golf, prancing around with all those men in bike shorts from San Francisco. Only you Santa!
I must be honest though, I am extremely humbled by the package. I have only tried one of them (the loose one) and have read about some of the others. Really looking forward to one in particular, but will not say which one. Also, there was an 07 written on the bag above one of the smokes - is it from '07, or just a reused bag? Just curious. Thanks very much whomever the guilty party is. I deff. do not deserve this but greatly appreciate the the very thoughtful gift. Thanks!