If any newbs hit me then hell hath no hury, it's on. Be warned boys.
I have friends who know where you are.
By the looks of your join date... it appears your still pretty 'green'. Silly newb.
Wants to be a FOG so bad, and why, I cannot understand? :whistling: :laugh:
Surveillance photo of some FOG's all suited up and ready for battle passing around the bottle of Geritol
for breakfast........
With the foam bombs it looks like the Newbs are off to a devistating start. :thumbs:
With the foam bombs it looks like the Newbs are off to a devistating start. :thumbs:
My kids played with expanding foam in kindergarten. TIG welding, catalyzed epoxy, quick set cement, rebar.....now you're talking..... :whistling:
With the foam bombs it looks like the Newbs are off to a devistating start. :thumbs:
My kids played with expanding foam in kindergarten. TIG welding, catalyzed epoxy, quick set cement, rebar.....now you're talking..... :whistling:
Well played gentlemen! :thumbs:With the foam bombs it looks like the Newbs are off to a devistating start. :thumbs:
My kids played with expanding foam in kindergarten. TIG welding, catalyzed epoxy, quick set cement, rebar.....now you're talking..... :whistling:
I happen to have some intel on the location of the ultimate cigar containment device. 1/8 inch chrome molly plate, re bar,concrete.....
The FOG's don't have to scramble for ammo. They have it stockpiled in their bunkers. :thumbs:** This just in! Image leak on Twitter showing the confusion and chaos as the FOGs scramble to gather their ammunition and find their bunkers. Caught with their pants down, the poor bastards.
Below is the leaked image:
You should know that the noobs only took out the FOGS once. That was in The Great War of '08.
These new kids have a lot ofspunk, though. Not much hope, but a lot of spunk.
Have you forgotten?
These War never end well (For the Newbies) :laugh:These War never end well (For the Newbies) :laugh:
It took three guys and they had a couple of extra DAYS to prepare. It was a gimmie, not a decisive victory.
Have you forgotten?
Ray, Ray, Ray... Your memory must be fading in your OLD age. :laugh:
Love you Sir!
These War never end well (For the Newbies) :laugh:These War never end well (For the Newbies) :laugh:
Nice...Surveillance photo of some FOG's all suited up and ready for battle passing around the bottle of Geritol
for breakfast........
Well, you know what we have to say to you?......you young whipper snappers!
I just noticed Gramps only has 1 arm!Nice...Surveillance photo of some FOG's all suited up and ready for battle passing around the bottle of Geritol
for breakfast........
Well, you know what we have to say to you?......you young whipper snappers!
Surveillance photo of some FOG's all suited up and ready for battle passing around the bottle of Geritol
for breakfast........
Well, you know what we have to say to you?......you young whipper snappers!