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New to the Cigars, been doing research, now I have a question

Haha, alright sorry. :whistling:

I'll let this thread die as I have everything under control. Thanks for everyones input and help. I'm looking forward to talking to you all for a long time to come.
Ian...take a deep breath...your humi will be fine.

Rod doesn't have the server space to absorb morning and evening updates of + or - 1% on your humidity.

The man speaks the truth. One mistake most new guys (which includes myself) make are obsessing over RH. Cigars are wonderful buffers of RH and the truth is that two or three points either way usually don't make huge differences. Day to day fluctuations aren't as vitally important as a good long term average.....that's what gets it done. And, never forget that the desired RH is very much a matter of personal preference. If you ask "what's the best RH for your cigars" you'll get answers from 58 to 72%. Many of us are "65%" guys but the point is to relax, and don't freak out. Slow and consistent wins this race, every time..... :cool:

Have fun - B.B.S.