NEW policy for purchases of tobacco with Mastercard

I have been keeping up with this thread and everyone had me pretty scared. My only debit card is a MC so I called my bank. If anyone has USAA, then you're in the clear; everyone I talked to there had no idea what I was talking about, and I went pretty high up with the supervisors but still, nothing.
Such bullshit. Wow.

Makes me want to move out of this country faster.
Just a heads up. A buddy of mine placed an order that totalled under $500 and the credit card company declined the order. He contacted them and they said his transaction appeared to be for cigars. He said no, and after a bit of back and forth, they finally approved the order. Just an fyi, big-brother is watching.
Was his transaction for a domestic sale or an overseas sale?
A key point I left out. I apologize. It was the latter, however, the billing company's name does not reference tobacco. They just said that past sales/history/investigations link this to tobacco. Again, they did originally cancel/suspend the txn but eventually they gave in and allowed it.

I use my MC weekly for online tobacco purchases. Most over $100.00 and some over $600.00. I buy in country and out of country. Never had any problems, as long as I make my monthlies.

- KiltLad
Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit!!!!! :angry:

People wonder why I am going to fly a Gadsden flag.

Careful about that flag. According to the MIAC, if you're seen with a flag like that, you're deemed to be a terrorist

Yup ... he speaks the truth:

"In March 2009, the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) published a report concerning the guidelines by which law enforcement should determine whether a person may be a member of a militia. Included in this report is a line that specifically references those who display Gadsden's flag, among many other pro-liberty materials, as being possibly militia members/terrorists."

found in Wiki.
Used my Bank of America MC for a box of WOAM's twice this week and I had no problems.